sdo 3.1 - Offering a Room


can someone tell me how a hotel can describe room offers in the newly
announced version 3.1?

Hotel has a property makesOffer, but the itemOffered of Offer requires
either Product or Service. HotelRoom, Room or Accomodation is neither
(in the first version of the recommendation, Accomodation was a subclass
of Product and Place).

The example in the documentation [1] seems outdated, because there the
Offer is made directly inside the HotelRoom, which is no longer possible.

In a discussion [2] Martin Hepp agrees on "drop the supertype and
instead expand the domain of itemOffered and typeOfGood" but this seems
not to have happen (as in [3]).

Thanks for you help,
best, Elias Kärle


Elias Kärle, MSc
Semantic Technology Institute
University of Innsbruck

ICT - Technologie Park Innsbruck
2nd Floor, Room 3S02
Technikerstrasse, 21a
6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: (+43) 512 507 53738
Skype: elias.kaerle

Received on Thursday, 18 August 2016 13:48:16 UTC