Re: Suggestion for Event class ReligiousEvent

On 12/7/15 8:49 AM, Richard Verhoeven wrote:
> in the list of more specific Event types, there seems to be nothing
> currently that fits to religious events of any kind, such as a Holy
> Mass for christians. I suggest to create a new type ReligiousEvent
> inheriting from Event, with no additional properties since the
> properties of Event (in particular, organizer, performer, name and
> description) would appear sufficient to characterize the religion and
> the event category.

May I ask: who do you imagine would consume this new type? Are there
churches, mosques, etc. marking up events now? Are there tools looking
for religious events specifically to justify this addition?

Brian Tremblay

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 14:46:44 UTC