> * ultimately, that anything not in core schema.org will largely be
> ignored, and (on really bad days) that the whole subdomain.schema.org
> extension proposal is just a way to give the illusion of participation to
> groups that schema.org partners doesn't really have an interest in
> engaging with. (To be clear, I don't really think that; my trust level in
> danbri is extremely high and I don't believe he would put forth a proposal
> simply to appease groups like ours. But there's a great big leap of faith
> required that the schema.org partners will take subdomains.schema.org
> seriously).
Dan, and others,
I can assure you that I will not let this happen. We definitely have an
interest. AND we're willing to host and redirect. AND track your issues.
AND provide open discussions of them.
Google has always taken subdomains seriously...(Even before the Freebase
acquisition) you just don't see all the work under the covers and behind
the scenes. But I can assure you... there's genuine magic happening...and
this is Schema.org's best way forward to help with domains that some
marketers themselves wouldn't give a shit about. :) But guess what...The
stackholders do and know its important and we're offering to help and want
it to be a long-term endeavor with public oversight (hence the subdomains
and GitHub usage).
+ThadGuidry <https://www.google.com/+ThadGuidry>