- From: Tim Knight/osgoode <TKnight@osgoode.yorku.ca>
- Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 10:42:47 -0400
- To: "public-schemabibex@w3.org" <public-schemabibex@w3.org>
- Cc: "Wallis,Richard" <richard.wallis@oclc.org>, Robert Hilliker <robert_hilliker@hotmail.com>
- Message-ID: <OF07DEE2F9.99377C6E-ON85257E05.004FAC2D-85257E05.0050D511@osgoode.yorku.ca>
If 'biblio' is considered outdated/old-fashioned I'm not sure if I see that 'bib' is any better. Since this schema is meant to address metadata for information resources maybe resources.schema.org (confused with energy resources perhaps) or citation.schema.org would be better(?). However, if 'bib' is considered an important thing to carry forward why not use bibex.schema.org like this list? Best regards, Tim ___________________________________________ F. Tim Knight Associate Librarian Head of Technical Services Osgoode Hall Law School Library Ignat Kaneff Building York University 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3 T: 416-650-8403 F: 416-736-5298 E: tknight@osgoode.yorku.ca W: http://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/faculty-and-staff/knight-f-tim/ From: Robert Hilliker <robert_hilliker@hotmail.com> To: "public-schemabibex@w3.org" <public-schemabibex@w3.org>, Cc: "Wallis,Richard" <richard.wallis@oclc.org> Date: 03/11/2015 10:09 AM Subject: RE: SchemaBibEx and bib.schema.org +1 for this proposal and +1 for "bib" over "biblio": beyond sharing Richard's sense that "biblio" is an old-fashioned, book-centric sounding term, I also have a preference for shorter URLs. Rob From: Richard.Wallis@oclc.org To: Jeremy.Nelson@COLORADOCOLLEGE.EDU CC: denials@gmail.com; thadguidry@gmail.com; Richard.Wallis@oclc.org; public-schemabibex@w3.org Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 16:21:00 +0000 Subject: Re: SchemaBibEx and bib.schema.org I have a personal preference for bib., as biblio. has to my ear a more traditional - monographs on shelves - feel about it and I hope that whatever results from our efforts will cover describing things from ancient manuscripts on shelves, to stand-alone born digital articles, and archives of multimedia. However it doesn’t make too much difference either way. As to using BibloGraph.net as a seed, I meant it as a seed to our proposal discussions. The terms within it came from a need to describe resources referenced from the hundreds of millions of records contributed to WorldCat. Having some real needs to fulfil is a great start point. Similarly, I hope others have needs that are not quite satisfied by the current breadth or Schema.org. ~Richard On 10 Mar 2015, at 14:20, Jeremy Nelson <Jeremy.Nelson@COLORADOCOLLEGE.EDU > wrote: +1 for biblio. I would also like to participate in developing this vocabulary; especially on how to use this new extension using Fedora 4 as a linked data platform. Jeremy Nelson Metadata and Systems Librarian Colorado College From: Dan Scott [mailto:denials@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 2:35 PM To: Thad Guidry; Wallis,Richard Cc: public-schemabibex@w3.org Subject: Re: SchemaBibEx and bib.schema.org Hi Richard: I would certainly be willing to participate in developing a bib.schema.org corner of the universe (hopefully one not soon to be forgotten by the rest of the universe!) But when you say "BiblioGraph.net [...] that vocabulary acting a seed for a bib.schema.org extension which would eventually replace the current need for it", are you proposing that we start by adopting all of the current bibliograph.netextensions wholesale? I'm kind of hoping not :) Also, per Thad's suggestion, biblio.schema.org sounds fine to me too. No getting mistaken with a vocabulary for baby's drool-catchers. Thanks, Dan On Mon, 9 Mar 2015 at 14:28 Thad Guidry <thadguidry@gmail.com> wrote: Hi Richard, I would prefer a bit more length() on the domain name: biblio.schema.org otherwise +1 Thad +ThadGuidry
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