Re: 1.0 proposal

Hi Richard,

I think there are still issues raised that haven’t been addressed, and discussion that really ought to be given more time. 

* Description of Agent still incorrect based on the discussion on here
* GraphicNovel is still being added as a BookFormatType - I thought we’d agreed this was on hold?

I’d also like to see:

Some analysis/discussion on possible properties of Meeting and MusicalScore types as I indicated in a previous email
At least an answer to my point that CartographicMap is not the correct term and GeographicMap would be better
More discussion of ‘Globe’ as a new type  - both the need for this type and the appropriateness of this in a ‘bib’ extension (and I realise we have different views on this latter point)

I also think it would make sense for examples to accompany the new types/properties to be presented to this group and reviewed before they go elsewhere.

I also want to re-iterate that the rushed nature of this proposal is a problem for getting adequate input from the community. I don’t understand why this cannot have more time for discussion, with each part of the proposal subject to at least some scrutiny. I don’t want to introduce some bureaucratic process, but putting aside the Comics proposal which I think has been subject to extensive discussion previously, this extension currently proposes 10 new types and 4 new properties, which we’ve had 7 days to discuss. This is simply not adequate in my opinion.

I’m afraid that at the moment I can’t support this as a proposed extension.


Owen Stephens
Owen Stephens Consulting
Telephone: 0121 288 6936

> On 24 Apr 2015, at 17:29, Wallis,Richard <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I think we are now at the stage where the proposal, shaped well by our recent discussions, is ready to be wrapped up and forwarded for broader consideration by the main <> group.
> To that end I will take what is described on the Wiki page < <>> (minus those that have been struck out to be deferred to a later version) and prepare the relevant definition and example files for submission to the <> group.
> ~Richard

Received on Friday, 24 April 2015 18:15:41 UTC