Recipes and Guidelines

Hi all,

I’ve been fairly quiet on the the SchemaBibEx list lately as I have been working on the wiki.  I have just published an update to the main page which now links to a new Recipes and Guidelines<> area.

This new area links into an updated version of the Example Library pages, plus some basic recipes for marking up stuff: My First Book<>;  Choosing a Serialisation<>; Using Multiple Types<>.

There are also the beginnings of what I hope will become a significant list of examples; Referencing External Descriptions<>; Library Holdings<>; Citations<>.

It would be great to get some of you to go through my text, and especially my code, to make corrections and suggestions.

Over the next few weeks I hope to work trough some more examples and hopefully have others from the group contribute as well.


Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 14:56:39 UTC