I generally use dcterms:identifier for non-URI identifiers. They are ambiguous in mashups, but that's what Linked Data is here to fix.


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> On Nov 23, 2013, at 11:52 AM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:
> Yes, I don't think we should *prevent* any identifiers, but in fact anything that is in URI form can be added. The problem is (oh, and this will sound familiar :-)) which do we add as named properties to the schema? So now that takes us back to the identifier proposals [1] [2] which we dropped because it made our heads spin.
> I'll give you my gut reaction: make a "any ol' identifier" property and let people put into it whatever they want, with the hope that in the future more will have a URI form. Meanwhile, if you want to use a non-URI identifier, ... good luck!
> kc
> [1]
> [2]
>> On 11/23/13 8:42 AM, Diane Hillmann wrote:
>> KC et al.:
>> I suspect that in this time of turmoil, the 'perfect' identifier is even
>> more of a holy grail than it used to be. Given that we're not yet at the
>> point where best choices can be made (much less enforced), I'd be
>> inclined to add any identifier I could find that seems relevant, and let
>> the future sort them out. It's hard to know looking ahead what we'll end
>> up doing, but I suspect none of our crystal balls are very useful at the
>> moment.
>> Diane
>> On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Karen Coyle <
>> <>> wrote:
>>    :-) These are those times when a "neutral point of view" just
>>    doesn't say it all, does it?
>>    Thanks, Laura, for your perspective. I'm not at the kitten killing
>>    level yet, but I, too, find e-issn to be an aberration -- it's the
>>    ISSN-L that makes me want to strangle.
>>    kc
>>    On 11/22/13 3:21 PM, LAURA DAWSON wrote:
>>        The book trade suffers from the occasional reference to eISBN.
>>        The ISBN agency tries very hard to stamp those out. I once gave
>>        a presentation for NISO called "Every Time You Say eISBN, a
>>        Kitten Bleeds."
>>        With that perspective, I hope the eISSN dies a mangled and
>>        horrible death.
>>            On Nov 22, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Karen Coyle <
>>            <>> wrote:
>>            One of the examples I added includes the E-ISSN. I have
>>            mixed feelings about this, but I suspect it is quite common
>>            in metadata. (It seems to me that it should be an ISSN
>>            attached to an electronic publication, not a different kind
>>            of ISSN... oh well.) There is also the ISSN-L, which
>>            fortunately does not seem to be referred to much, so I hope
>>            we can ignore it.
>>            If you haven't run into ISSN-L, it is the ISSN of the print
>>            copy, and is presumably used to gather the various formats
>>            (E, print, whatever) together. The "L" stands for "linking."
>>            From the ISSN agency page:
>>            ISSN-L 0264-2875
>>                         Printed version: Dance research = ISSN 0264-2875
>>                         Online version: Dance research (Online) = ISSN
>>            1750-0095
>>            If you know of a growing use of these, please speak up. I
>>            haven't run into them, but I'm not watching any serials
>>            databases carefully. Also, if E-ISSNs are falling out of
>>            use, then we can skip those. Anyone?
>>            kc
>>            --
>>            Karen Coyle
>>   <>
>>            m: 1-510-435-8234 <tel:1-510-435-8234>
>>            skype: kcoylenet
>>    --
>>    Karen Coyle
>> <>
>>    m: 1-510-435-8234 <tel:1-510-435-8234>
>>    skype: kcoylenet
> -- 
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

Received on Saturday, 23 November 2013 19:34:00 UTC