Re: Work-instance and isDerivativeOf

It occurred to me after the call that in some languages the concept of 
"realization of" == frbr:Manifestation. It means to bring something into 
existence, thus, make it "manifest." Because the verb to realize"  has a 
different primary meaning in English (similar to "come to an 
understanding of") it rarely gets used this way, but I think the meaning 
is what we are aiming at.

Larousee online has:

  - Faire passer à l'état de réalité concrète ce qui n'était que 
virtualité : Des désirs difficiles à réaliser.

  - Concrétiser quelque chose : Cette maison réalise son rêve.

My Italian dictionary has:

  - realizzare: portare a compimento; concretizzare

Thus the concepts are: bring to completion; and make concrete or 
physically real.

This is one of those times when English is just soooooo frustrating. 
(Some of you may have more of these times that I do, I realize :-)!).

In English, "derive" usually means to change something, to "adapt" it, 
not to make an instance of it. That seems to be the sense in the EDM 

That said, since no word is going to be perfect... I think we're back to 
Instance unless folks think that we can sneak in "realizationOf". Or 
maybe just switch to French when it's convenient. ;-)


On 3/21/13 11:16 AM, Antoine Isaac wrote:
> Dear all,
> Following the discussion we had today on the work-instance relationship
> [1] and the proposal to label it with something like "derivative", I
> copy below some definition bits for the property isDerivativeOf from the
> Europeana Data Model [2].
> Not that I want to push it by all means. Maybe you'll want a different
> definition. As long as it works... But I don't see why I'd conceal it,
> if there's something to be re-used instead of this group working hard to
> re-invent his own words.
> I'm going to ask the people in the task force I've mentioned if they can
> send museum or archive examples using this property.
> Best,
> Antoine
> [1]
> [2]
> ==========
> Definition: "This property [...] relates a resource to another one,
> obtained by reworking, reducing, expanding, parts or the whole contents
> of the former, and possibly adding some minor parts. Versions have an
> even narrower meaning, in that it requires common identity between the
> related resources. Translations, summaries, abstractions etc. do not
> qualify as versions, but do qualify as derivatives."
> Obligation & Occurrence: A resource may be a derivative of to 0 to many
> resources. Conversely, a resource may have 0 to many resources that are
> derivative of its.
> Example: The Italian translation of Moby Dick is a derivation of the
> original work.
> Rationale: This property enables associating resources that are one the
> derivation of the other. This is required since Europeana may collect
> descriptions about resources and their derivations. It also supports
> browsing of resources by derivation. Finally, it allows the integration
> of all properties used in content providers' descriptions that capture
> the notion of derivation in the sense outlined above, such as those
> capturing versioning, translations and abstractions. To this end, any
> such properties should be declared to be a (direct or indirect)
> sub-property of edm:isDerivativeOf.

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2013 21:11:47 UTC