Re: Reminder - next Schema Bib Extend Group meeting is on Tuesday

Oh, and I added Audiobook to the agenda. There has been a significant 
amount of work on audiobook on the Objects page.

We'll probably have to start the meeting setting some priorities for the 
meeting ;-).


On 2/16/13 6:50 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:
> I looked at the agenda, and I would like to suggest putting
> work-instance, commonEndeavor, and content-carrier on the back burner,
> but add Library Holdings, which I think is one of the key bits of
> missing information that we need to address. I also want to say that I
> think that "collection" is a no-brainer and we shouldn't have to spend
> much time on it.
> kc
> On 2/15/13 6:29 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>     Just a reminder that our February meeting is on Tuesday, usual time,
>>     joining details here:
>>     _
>>     _
>>     Hear you there.
>>     ~Richard.

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2013 17:35:34 UTC