- From: Graham Bell <graham@editeur.org>
- Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 17:43:58 +0000
- To: Laura Dawson <ljndawson@gmail.com>, Richard Wallis <richard.wallis@oclc.org>, Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>
- CC: "public-schemabibex@w3.org" <public-schemabibex@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <601390F7-BBB9-4B6D-A28A-9DD04E08A767@editeur.org>
As Laura suggests, ONIX does to some degree separate out the carrier and content descriptions. But I wouldn't claim the one is hermetically sealed off from the other. The carrier information is in ONIX properties ProductForm, ProductFormDetail and -- to some extent -- in ProductFormFeature. Information about the content starts in PrimaryContentType and ProductContentType, and of course goes on to encompass much of the rest of the record. So an audiobook on CD would be recorded as ProductForm = 'AC' (that is, as a CD-Audio product), ProductFormDetail 'A101' (that is, it's proper 'Red Book' CD-Audio, not one of those data CDs that happens to contain a bunch of audio files, which would be coded as AE and A103 or A107 (for mp3 or AAC files). ProductContentType would be '01' (which is the notation for 'audiobook' as distinguished from other types of audio like music or a recording of a speech or lecture. Note that the ONIX properties or data elements often carry codes rather than textual values -- in SKOS, these would be notations rather than labels -- in order to provide a measure of language-independence to an ONIX description. For those looking at the ONIX codelists using the link Laura gave, list 150 would be the list to look at for ProductForm, and list 175 for ProductFormDetail. ProductFormFeature uses list 79 plus a range of other controlled vocabularies. ProductContentType uses list 81. The lists are reviewed regularly to add new entries that become necessary. The review process is highly pragmatic, dependent on the ways that the book supply chain needs to describe its products. Graham Graham Bell EDItEUR Tel: +44 20 7503 6418 The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender and delete this e-mail immediately. The contents of this e-mail must not be disclosed or copied without the sender's consent. We cannot accept any responsibility for viruses, so please scan all attachments. The statements and opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the company. EDItEUR Limited is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 2994705. Registered Office: United House, North Road, London N7 9DP, UK. Website: http://www.editeur.org On 13 Feb 2013, at 13:57, Laura Dawson wrote: In ONIX we use what are called "composites" - a couple of different codes together that describe a product. So, for example, an audiobook on CD would have a product form code of CD-Audio and a product form type of Audiobook. If that helps. ONIX code lists are here, for reference: http://www.editeur.org/files/ONIX%20for%20books%20-%20code%20lists/ONIX_Boo kProduct_CodeLists_Issue_20.html On 2/13/13 8:49 AM, "Richard Wallis" <richard.wallis@oclc.org> wrote: I am not trying to identify what is content or what is carrier - I am trying to identify what the type(s) of thing I am describing. It is a CD AND it is a CreativeWork. It is not a Creative work of sub-type CD, or music of sub-type CD. For some consuming our data CD [in their eyes] may be the primary type they are interested in. I would not say it is a narrowing of type I would suggest that it is a broadening of access. A retailer request to identify all their CDs, and possibly facet them by those that are also audiobooks, music, software, blank for writing, etc. would require much effort if each industry implemented a domain specific view such as you propose. ~Richard. On 13/02/2013 13:36, "Karen Coyle" <kcoyle@kcoyle.net> wrote: I'm still unclear whether 'additionalType' is the place to describe the carrier of the content. I read 'additionalType' as further refinement of the schema.org class. It needs to have a "type of" relationship to the class that it is additional to. "CD" is not a "type of" creative work or "type of" music. We should be look at a property, IMO, not a narrowing of type. kc On 2/13/13 7:16 AM, Richard Wallis wrote: On 13/02/2013 12:12, "Ed Summers" <ehs@pobox.com> wrote: On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:54 AM, Richard Wallis <richard.wallis@oclc.org> wrote: In principle I agree with you - it is a kludge of a solution and Microdata could be improved by the ability to support multiple type URIs. My reading of the HTML 5 Microdata spec is that multiple types are allowed: The itemtype attribute, if specified, must have a value that is an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens that are case-sensitive, each of which is a valid URL that is an absolute URL, and all of which are defined to use the same vocabulary. The attribute's value must have at least one token. [1] It is the 'same vocabulary' bit that is the sticking point that triggered the 'addtionalType' work around. The original 'Library' extension proposal that accompanied the OCLC WorldCat linked data release last year, highlighted some of the carrier types (catalogued by libraries which contribute records to WorldCat) that were missing from Schema. I am confident that that proposal will be superseded by recommendations from this group. If memory serves it highlighted all of the carrier types, or at least a lot more than I would have, which is something I will resist doing in schema.org. You and I both. If OCLC wants to publish a comprehensive list of carrier types for use in microdata and RDFa that seems fine. An option open to everybody which I see nobody rushing to undertake. However, with the help of Product Ontology and the infrastructure of Wikipedia, the community have made a really good start. But baking all of that into schema.org is not palatable for me, especially given the overlap with types that are already present. You and I both. Is it too difficult for us to itemize which types are not present in schema.org that we need to have for expected use of bibliographic data? If it is not that difficult, some body, or individual, may see the benefit and take on the task, and the associated maintenance responsibility - one of the national libraries, LoC, NISO, BIBFRAME, OCLC, Code4Lib? Personally I would question if it would not be better to apply such effort to improving Wikipeadia's descriptions of these things and thus increasing product ontology's value to the world - not just libraries. Can we take lossless transformation of MARC to schema.org off the table? Its not on my table - I am looking to provide a vocabulary to enable the description of anything (with a focus in this group on the bibliographic domain). Plus encourage the publishing/exposure of resource identifiers that can add value to such descriptions - what in the broadest sense we [library folk] describe as authorities. //Ed [1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/microdata.h tml#a tt r-itemtype
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