Re: Changes vs. new element

On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Antoine Isaac <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm also in favour ofgeneralizing offer.
> *But* getting accept to change a property name like "seller"
> is going to be tricky. This is actually the identifier of the property, so
> if you change it, you can break existing data.
> What is possible is to keep the existing identifier, but add a caveat in
> the definition / scope note.
> Alternatively, if this is not satisfactory, we could ask to add a new
> property at the level of Offer: "freeOfferer" or something like that.
> In the end what we submit to could be a dual proposal: we list
> 'element requirement' and for each of them we indicate what would be
> needed, either for re-use existing elements (and thus generalize their
> definition) or add new ones.

I don't think this is actually as big a deal as people think.  I believe
Offer *already* covers this and it's just poor documentation on the site that's obscuring it.

Offer includes a businessFunction one
value of which is  Viewing a
loan as a zero cost lease seems very natural to me.

For availability location there is
 There is also which could be used.

I bet everything needed to cover Thad's use case is there if you dig a


Received on Thursday, 1 August 2013 17:01:10 UTC