Schema Bib Extend conference call yesterday

Hi all,

My apologies if you get this email twice ­ I am in the process of
rationalising two email lists.

Firstly my thanks to those that contributed to, and lurked in the background
of, yesterday¹s conversation.  I felt it was a good and productive start.

For those who that could not make it, I would direct you to the page I am
constructing on the group wiki:

As it says on that page, I am hoping to post a recording of the conversation
to enable people to catch up and/or remind themselves of it¹s content.
There are two things preventing that happening at the moment.  Firstly I
need to edit off some pre and post conversation irrelevance and secondly I
need to provide a final chance for those that actively participated to
object to their recorded voice being published.  I will publish a link to
the recording tomorrow if I receive no objections.

I would encourage all who have not yet joined the Community Group ( to do so, as this will be the
final email that I will send directly.  Further community communication will
be via the group mailing list.   The community IRC channel (#schemabibex) is
already active so I would also encourage you to point your IRC client there,
or join via the chat icon on the community site.


Richard Wallis
Technology Evangelist

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 14:26:06 UTC