Scope of this group's work

As already mentioned in the last mail, here are some questions I am interested in regarding a definition of the scope of this group's work. Most of these questions have already been posed but I think it is important to specify an answer and define the scope a clear as possible on the wiki.

- Is this group only about creating a extension for bibliographic data in a narrower sense, i.e.: descriptions of bibliographic resources plus person data/authority data in general? Or is this group's work also about providing information about holdings, offers, availability, price, services, sites etc.? As access in general was already discussed here and seen as a desirable use case, the group probably at least has also to cover the services resources are provided by, their access restrictions, locatio & opening hours (if applicable) etc.
- Another important question regarding scope was already discussed on this list: Which data providers do we have in mind to use this extension? Do we focus on library data or do we want to propose a standard that's useful  for most of the agents that provide bibliographic information on the web (authors, publishers, booksellers, libraries, social cataloging websites, universities etc.)? Although there already seems to be consensus that the extension should not only cover libraries as publishers,  I see that most group members[1] are somehow linked to the library world. Shouldn't we invite more representatives of the different publishers of bibliographic data on the web, then? Have more people from other organizations already been invited? 

>From the foregoing discussion it sounded much like...
a) the intended extension should be useful by for diverse individuals and organizations publishing bibliographic data on the web.
b) the term "bibliographic data" is interpreted quite broadly as it not only covers descriptions of bibliographic resources, of authors etc. but also information about where and how an item can be obtained (lend, bought, streamed etc.)  and by whom.

I already made a first start defining the scope on the "Scope" page [2]. As said, we should also think about what people to invite to this group that are not from the library world.




Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 10:23:39 UTC