Mode of study or delivery

I hope this is a fairly straightforward use case requirement to deal with.

There is a requirement to be able to identify the mode of study which 
arises from the use case 1.6 (2.6, 9.6) "where the searcher is concerned 
about the means of delivery, e.g. wants to take a MOOC, wants to study 
at home by distance learning, study online, study face-to-face."

Currently the closest property in the proposal is the isVirtual 
indicator, which I think there was agreement needed broadening.

It is often difficult to separate mode of study from mode of course 
delivery, e.g. a course is delivered online for students who study online.

Sometimes though there is a form of course delivery that really needs to 
be highlighted. I think that MOOCs are an example of this. We want 
people to be able to identify courses delivered as MOOCs directly, 
without faffing around with a combination of cost, enrolment 
requirements and being online.

How about:
courseMode a property of CourseOffering
definition: the medium of means of delivery of the course or the mode of 
study. A CourseOffering may be a blend of different modes, e.g. 
face-to-face and online.
expected type: text (*)
Suggested values: online, face-to-face, MOOC, distance learning, 
part-time, full-time

(* this is a prime candidate for external enumerations with the 
suggested values as a default enumeration)


Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University

   not so much an operating system as a learning opportunity.

Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 14:59:09 UTC