Note on RWW Group's Evolution and Principles

Hello Everyone,

The RWW group embarked on its journey in 2011 with the vision of utilizing
standards to facilitate reading and writing on the web. Over the years, we
have delved into numerous ideas emanating from this foundational principle.
Several of these ideas have transitioned into new standardizations like web
acl, solid, patch updates, content addressable identifier, among others.

While the group has transitioned into a phase of reduced activity, it now
faces the prospect of closure. It's possible that the appetite for
embarking on new endeavors might be modest at this juncture, yet I
encourage anyone with fresh ideas to bring them forth.

One aspect we haven't formally addressed is compiling a note that
encapsulates how all the pieces interconnect and narrates the group's
evolutionary journey. This includes the initial exploration of RESTful
reading and writing utilizing GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and the subsequent
need for spam protection through access control. This pathway naturally led
us towards a standards-based identity system, and then ACLs, potentially
integrating roles and groups, tackling hierarchical dilemmas (such as
writing permissions to a sub-directory), authentication, login procedures,
and understanding HTTP response codes around 2xx and 4xx, along with
higher-level architectural principles.

It might be enriching to collectively work on such a note. This endeavor
could serve multiple purposes - preserving the historical essence of the
group, aiding systems like Solid in understanding the guiding principles
that shaped their inception, and envisaging a future where new
specifications evolve from a well-articulated set of guiding principles.
This documentation could potentially enable future innovators to request
specifications based on Read Write Web Principles for specific use cases.

I would be happy to hear thoughts on this idea.



Received on Monday, 2 October 2023 14:38:41 UTC