Free Will: Probabilistic vs. deterministic

Part of the point about communication is that people get to 'choose'
whether they 'listen' or not, or indeed also how they're able to listen or
determine the means about how life enacts temporally as to grow; but,
therein, issues about hypothesis and engagement...

I'm reviewing: Panel: Quantum Theory and Free Will - Chris Fields, Henry
Stapp & Donald Hoffman[1] which in-turn links to the prior playlist item;
and frankly, appears to me, to have been a life-time of illuminated
learning experiences by notably capable people, towards a means to
communicate aspects; essentially linked to semantic definitions / AI, that
would take far longer than the timespan of the medium, to learn on ones own

Fairly sure, it has ontologically important characteristics linked to; our

but hard to summarise, in a paragraph or similarly expected short-hand...

Timothy Holborn.


Received on Friday, 21 May 2021 18:32:41 UTC