- From: Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 May 2021 13:52:26 +0200
- To: public-rww <public-rww@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAKaEYhJK=Ssctm+aaWLRYxTMkTv-pQhGYPgAL7G95ogOi4WpdQ@mail.gmail.com>
Continuing previous discussion, while noting we've not fully defined a temporal read-write web, I wanted to use this thread to capture use cases that come up, and to allow adding to them *Use-Case Example - Augmenting Music Data [Creator Conundurum]* Author: Kingsley Idehen Problem: Creator Conundurum I *painstakingly* put together an RDF document that provides details about the Beatles that's missing from DBpedia, Wikidata, and Musicbrainz such as: 1. Song Instrumentalists 2. Recording Location 3. Song Producer 4. Instruments per song 5. etc.. I want to publish this to the Web, but not for $0.00 since there is a serious opportunity cost associated with the production of the work in question. Challenges: 1. How do I express and assert ownership? 1. How do I track use over time and receive appropriate monetary credits? Blockchain offers me NFTs as a potential ownership assertion mechanism. It also offers an ability for me to track credits due over time via a Smart Contract. Issues with Blockchain: 1. Which of the zillion tokens + platform combos to I choose from? 2. Ultimately, do any of these actually scale to the levels required? *Use-Case Example - Step Counter* Author: Melvin Carvalho Let's say I want to make a simple step counter. It hooks into my smart watch. It hooks into my phone pedometer, my treadmill, a bunch of stuff running at the same time. It then wants to store my data, and ensure that all devices can write to the store without conflicts. Also, importantly the store might go down in a DB or a pod or git, and it should just be able to come back up elsewhere, ditto the bot that is managing all of this. Feel free to add use cases, we could then transfer them to the wiki or into a document
Received on Thursday, 20 May 2021 11:53:51 UTC