sustaining liberalised democracies

Hi all,

In feb i submitted a long document to my Australian Government which can be
found via the link under my own name as an individual[1] as has been (imho)
an important part of how i've been able to contribute over the many years
noting first posts to this list appears to be jan2014[2].

I am concerned about a great many things relating to the sustainability of
liberalised democracies 'post covid-19'.  Per the remarks on the final page
of my submission[1] - i'm not at all sure that we're furnishing the means
for medical professionals to 'do their very best, and nothing less'.

I also believe the incentive structures are skewed; leading to worsening
conditions that particularly disaffect liberalised democracies in the
present; and on a systemic basis, likely  also into the future.

'freedom of thought' appears to have been obliterated on an 'on mass' &
global scale; i'm disappointed.

whilst some talk about 'media'[3] i wonder how far the trenches of banning
'prophecy' goes, politically.  Isn't it productivity we most need?  what
tools are available (other than GIT) to support provenance?

anyone who thinks work is 'free' is delusional; there's always costs and
profits, as is socially applied across a graph; which in-turn have some
attributes that are of particular importance, for rule of law in
liberalised democracies; so how do we make support for 'fair', in a manner
that can support the means for liberalised democracies to thrive; or do we
re-define the material concepts of government, globally or otherwise.

without 'informed consent' of the people, there is no capacity to support a
liberalised democracy and old systems of laws don't support democracy when
applied globally from one region. This provides an instrumental advantage
to operators who may truthfully state - democracy, doesn't apply to them
(or their people, in their region, involved in global commercial activities
with others world-wide).

is 'print' (ie: print era tooling, as is contextually considered) all we've

should the world be involved in the US elections as to sway the
availability of any form of (human) rights?

As RWW was intended to be a central foundation to how - so many - problems
could be solved, what is the role & attitude of this community to 'clip
in', and get shit done ASAP?

What are we, as individuals, willing to sell, in-order to have an
opportunity for gainful returns, and what does that ontologically look
like; from a values perspective.  The link on my submission provides not
only my submission but also that of many others at the same 'temporal'
time; and i've also attached it to this post in the interests of making it
easier to find.

i recently found out; another person, involved in the entities linked to my
domestic works; who kinda 'took on' much of the work i was unable to do due
to 'problems', committed suicide; and his not the first.  Whilst i've been
mocked, excluded and harmed for my concerns; this person is dead, leaving
young children and a family trying to deal with it in secret; when perhaps
the fact is, that like any person involved in a war, he deserves to ensure
his children know that his efforts were valued as a combatant (in a war
that 'doesn't exist') by those; such as the inventors of internet and the
web.  there's a values problem, and whilst i've seen ontologies develop via
w3id[4] i've not seen many about values; which i think is fairly gutless.

we are changing the nature of 'work' and its time to abolish this new
fractal pattern supporting slavery[5].  I don't know how to achieve that
politically; yet the tech, is not entirely dislocated and we need 'reality.
check tech'.

I've made some diagrams over-time[6] and whilst i think the work undertaken
via W3C has been of instrumental importance over the past years; i don't
think, its any longer a tech problem.  As noted in my document[1] some
regions can develop solutions (ie: hospitals) in weeks; others suggests it
takes almost a decade.  I suggest this is an ideological problem, that must
desperately be addressed.

The world has never before been so focused on news about death. The war on
terror arguably led to a world feeling terrorised; whilst a war on death,
may wipe-out liberalised democracies world-wide.  So in the interests of a
war on slavery (digital and otherwise) how can RWW help?

what do we need? and what is the role of W3C no-matter the means to make
distinct its wilful actions (or those of the 'USA' governed parties) vs.
those that may be perceived to be involuntary; for sometime at least...

What is the probable cost of 'sense making' infrastructure? who will lead,
and who will follow...





Received on Saturday, 23 May 2020 10:58:31 UTC