RE: Feedback: SW Protocol?

Hi Sebastian,

Here a short and naïve answer:

I would query the SW using this SPARQL query
For the first use case:
SELECT ?relationship
  ?P1 hasName JohnDoe .
  ?P2 hasName JaneDoe..
  ?P1 ?relationship ?P2

For the second use case:
SELECT ?employment
?employment rdf:type Profession .
?P hasName John .
?P worksAs ?employment

Note: my answer doesn’t cover the issue of where the information has to be searched for. For the sake of interoperability these queries should use standard ontologies. For the second use case I assume that the DB stores only the current information. The model and the corresponding query would be more complex if the DB stores historical information.


De : Sebastian Samaruga []
Envoyé : lundi 28 août 2017 03:24
À : W3C Semantic Web IG; public-rww; DBpedia;
Objet : Feedback: SW Protocol?

Basically what I'm obsessed with (and I need a lot more background in graph theory and other disciplines) is that given that SW and the rest are forms of SPO graph based DBs using resources and a fancy serialization format for the web using URIs (kind of RESTfully /  dereferenceable) is the possibility of 'comparing' two resources / statements in some given context and being able to ask, for example:

(John Doe, relationship, Jane Doe) and the answer is 'friends', 'neighbors', etc. Or, for another example:

(John, now, Employment) and it answers: Developer.

The crazy thing in trying to achieve this is trying to do it regardless of where the original statements come from, in what formats or schema / URIs namespace.

And more crazy is the idea of that there should be a way of doing this algorithmically or 'algebraically' (and I don't have enough background for that neither).

The final goal for this was to perform 'align and merge' integrating diverse schema / datasources enough for being able to build interactions between diverse systems and to perform consolidated queries over them and then generate actionable items in each system's domain (via domain templates).

I dare to append another draft into this post at least recognizing it is: incomplete, blurry or even not quite coherent. The point is I would like to have feedback of this (even regarding feasibility) and that's why the post is like it is: I'm trying to find out if this is possible (or usable) at all.



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