Linked Data Platform Wikipedia Entry Draft

Thanks to the latter half of "LDP a replacement for WebDav?" in, here is what
I have for the LDP Wikipedia article thus far:

“Linked Data Platform (LDP) is a Linked Data specification defining a
set of integration patterns for building RESTful HTTP services that
are capable of read-write of RDF data. ...
The Linked Data Platform allows use of RESTful HTTP to consume,
create, update and delete both RDF and non-RDF resources.[4] In
addition, it defines a set of "Container" constructs—buckets into
which documents can be added with a relationship between the bucket
and the object similar to the relationship between a blog and its
constituent blog posts.[5]”


LDP evolved from work at IBM's Rational Product Group for application
integration. Starting in 2010, IBM looked at linked data for
application lifecycle management, but realized that Tim Berners-Lee's
four rules for linked data[6] did not go far enough for their purpose.
The rules describe how to read linked data, but they do not go into
how to create linked data in order to allow for a dynamic environment
(read-write) or how to locate linked data. In addition, the rules were
not a formal definition of linked data.

IBM joined with the W3C in June 2012 to form a working group to “work
toward to provide a clear definition of linked data in the form of a
W3C recommendation”[7]. It consisted of “50 particpants from 30
organizations”[7], and was chaired by Arnaud J Le Hors. On 26 February
2015, the W3C Linked Data Platform 1.0 was approved as a W3C
Recommendation [3]

General Description:

The linked data platform could be seen as a “set of rules that clarify
and extend Tim Berners-Lee's 4 basic rules by focusing on the
following concepts:

-LDP Resources (LDPR)
  - HTTP and RDF techniques to read and write linked data
  - Resources can be created, modified, deleted and read using
standard HTTP methods
  - Cover "RDF sources" as well as "binary resources"

- LDP Containers (LDPC)
  - An LDPR to which you POST to create new things, GET to find existing things
  - Similar to what AtomPub does for XML
  - Available in three flavors: BasicContainer, DirectContainer, and

- Paging & Ordering
  - A mechanism to get the content of a LDPC in chunks and specify the
order in which the
    content is sorted”[7]

LDP is not a file system, but instead serves as method for the
organization and use of read-write linked data. It is not the only way
to update RDF. SPARQL/UPDATE does this as well [8].


Identity management is not included in the LDP specification. SOLiD
(Social Linked Data Platform) implements identity management using
WebID to allow for authentication and for access to LDP resources
using ACL. SOLiD also extends LDP with a HEAD and OPTIONS method. [9]

See also

Apache Marmotta
Fedora Commons


[1] "Linked Data Platform Working Group". W3C.
[2] "Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group Charter". W3C.
[3] "Linked Data Platform (LDP) is a W3C Recommendation". W3C.
[4] Mihindukulasooriya, Nandana (2014-11-05). "Learning W3C Linked
Data Platform with examples".
[5] Burleson, Cory (10 July 2014). "Introduction to: Linked Data
[9] SOLiD – Social Linked Data Platform (Design Notes) 09/13/2015

External Links:

Linked Data Platform 1.0, W3C
Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer, W3C
Linked Data Platform Use Cases and Requirements, W3C
LDP Implementations, W3C Wiki
Getting Started with the Linked Data Platform (LDP) – background and
history during early development
Introduction to Fedora 4 - Includes Discussion of LDP


Received on Friday, 14 April 2017 03:03:57 UTC