Re: Feedback


Trying to follow your advice I've added a Scope section at the beginning of
the document. The reason why I've found so difficult to describe this
'application' is that it is not an application but it is more like a kind
of (knowledge) backend database where (augmented) RDF and metamodels are my
'relational' model. I don't know if exists some kind of 'relational
algebra' for RDF so I started writing my own. Please tell me if I'm missing
something important.


On Nov 17, 2016 1:05 AM, "Juan Sequeda" <> wrote:


Writing advice I got early on:

- First write an abstract. If you can't summarize in a few sentences what
you are doing, then it is going to be very hard for other to understand
- From the abstract, the following should be apparent
1) What is the problem
2) Why is it important (i.e. motivation)
3) What is your contribution (what is unique/novel)

Your introduction should dive into a bit more detail on this.

You should be answer each of these questions in a succinct and crisp

Juan Sequeda, Ph.D

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Sebastian Samaruga <>

> Hi all, its me again. I'm looking for feedback in this analysis phase of a
> project I'd like to start building soon. The reason I post this draft
> document again is that I've made some changes. I'd like to have some
> orientation in the right directions I should take. I hope not to be boring
> someone but 'cos what I'd like is to build kind of augmented ontologies and
> metamodels, seems like no one is willing to share this approach with me.
> Sorry if the document is a little rough written. I've wrote it all on a
> phone...
> Best Regards,
> Sebastián.

Received on Saturday, 19 November 2016 23:02:02 UTC