Read Write Web — Q1 Summary — 2016 [via Read Write Web Community Group]

The start of this year has seen a much the discussions on read write technology,
move from the mailing list, to specific repos, issue trackers, and,
particularly, gitter chatrooms.  Most of the work that I have noticed has been
focused around the Solid standard.

An interesting new Linked Data project called, GIESER, kicked off in March,
described as, "an open cloud-based platform for integrating geospatial data with
sensor data from cyberphysical systems based on semantic and Big Data
technologies."  Openlink also announced the release of their JavaScript based
RDF Editor.

Discussion in the group ticked up slightly, but most of work has been focused on
implementations of servers, libraries and apps.

Communications and Outreach
The Qatar Research and Computing institute (QCRI) was paid a visit and continue
to support the development of read and write standards on the web, particularly
crosscloud and solid and their own app platform, meccano.

There was a successful hack day at MIT, and new interest in read write apps,
with also a short tutorial used to show attendees how to write a pastebin app. 
For those interested in hacking on read write apps, please join us on gitter
every Friday for a coding session, where we try to come up with new and
interesting ideas.

Community Group
We welcome Dmitri Zagidulin to the group, who has started working full time with
the team at MIT on Solid (and doing an amazing job!).  On the mailing list,
there was some discussion based around "Solid Cookies", and about connecting two
LDP servers together.

The Solid specification continues to improve, in order to cater for a growing
set of applications.  It has now been organized into a number of smaller
self-contained specifications.  Some work has been done on authentication, and
discovery methods have been documented for inbox, storage and application type

On the server side we have seen a lot of work go into maturing the javascript
solid server, ldnode.  And on the client library side solid.js has also added
new features and documentation.   In addition, a tutorial has been added for

Some new apps have been added, or started, mostly still in early stages.  Two
of the apps I created during hack days are, 2048, the popular puzzle game, and a
simple markdown editor that saves files to Solid storage.  Briefly, Zagel is
the start of a chat app, work has begun on a Solid welcome app and a Solid
Signup system has been created.  More apps have been created in the form of,
contactorator a contacts app, simple slideshow integrated into tabulator, errol
which is notifications for Solid inboxes, midichlorian a tool for fetching files
from Solid servers.

Last but not Least...

Interesting food for thought.  Kuzzle describes itself as an :
open-source back-end solution for various applications. It combines a high level
API, a database, a real-time engine, subscription and notification mechanisms as
well as some advanced search features. The API is accessible through several
standard protocols.


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Received on Friday, 1 April 2016 13:47:05 UTC