- From: Clement Jonquet <jonquet@lirmm.fr>
- Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 12:05:35 +0200
- Cc: "'Hugo Alatrista Salas'" <halatrista@pucp.pe>, <Juan.Lossio@lirmm.fr>
- Message-ID: <01d101d09152$90e50ba0$b2af22e0$@lirmm.fr>
=========================================================== SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS - SIMBig 2015 =========================================================== SIMBig'2015 - 2nd Annual International Symposium on Information Management and Big Data 2-4 September 2015 - Cusco, PERU Long Paper Submission Deadline: May 24, 2O15 Short Paper and Demos Submission Deadline: May 31, 2O15 Conference URL: http://simbig.org/SIMBig2015/ =========================================================== Call for Papers: The second edition of the Annual International Symposium on Information Management and Big Data SIMBig 2015, aims to bring together main national and international actors in the decision-making field to state in new technologies dedicated to handle large amount of information. SIMBig 2015 second edition will be heightened by welcoming as invited speakers to: - Sophia Ananiadou, from NacTeM laboratory and University of Manchester, United Kingdom; - Albert Bifet, from HUAWEI Noah's Ark Lab, China; - Pascal Poncelet from LIRMM Laboratory and University of Montpellier, France; - Osmar R. Zaļane, from University of Alberta, Canada; - Mathieu Roche, from Cirad and TETIS Laboratory, France. In addition, in this Second edition of SIMBig 2015, a special track associated to Track on Web and Text Intelligence will take place (http://simbig.org/SIMBig2015/en/special-track). WTI 2015 will provide a forum that brings together researchers and practitioners for exploring technologies, issues, experiences and applications that help us to understand the Web and to build automatic tools to better exploit this complex environment. Our first edition, SIMBig 2014 is already indexed on DBLP. http://dblp2.uni-trier.de/db/conf/simbig/simbig2014 On behalf of the Scientific Program Committee, we have great pleasure in inviting you to submit one or more papers (for oral or poster presentation) in accordance with the instructions that are provided in Paper Submission Guidelines =========================================================== Important dates: - 24 May 2015 --> Long papers due - 31 May 2015 --> Short papers and demonstration due - 30 June 2015 --> Long papers acceptance notifications - 7 July 2015 --> Short paper and demonstration acceptance notifications - 15 July 2015 --> Final Paper Submission (long, short and demonstration) - 30 July 2015 --> Early bird registration deadline - 2-4 September 2015 --> Conference held in Cusco, Peru =========================================================== Scope and Topics Authors are invited to submit original and innovative papers that break new ground, present insightful results based on your experience in Data Management and Big Data. SIMBig2014 has a broad scope, and specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - Big Data Management - Big Data Applications - Text Analytics - Information Retrieval - Data mining - OLAP and MDA Models - Text mining - Semantic Web - Linked Data - Data warehousing - Information management - Business intelligence - Data management - Data governance - Social media/Collaboration - Spatiotemporal data - Information Services and Resources - Open Data - Natural Language Processing =========================================================== Submission guidelines: Papers should be submitted through the SIMBig 2015 online submission system, which is also the online review system for the conference: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=simbig2015 Follow the instructions in Word document and Latex templates (ACL templates) =========================================================== We look forward to welcoming you at the second edition of SIMBig 2015 Organizing Committee of SIMBig 2015 Cusco-Peru
Received on Monday, 18 May 2015 10:09:00 UTC