FYI: Linked Data Paging

This specification provides a widely re-usable pattern to make the state of
a large paged HTTP resource
available as a list of smaller subset resources (pages
whose representations are less burdensome for servers to form. Paged
must be LDP Resources (LDPRs) [LDP
<>]. Any LDPR
can be paged, but certain aspects of paging like ordering are only
well-defined for particular sub-classes of LDPRs, like LDP-RSs or LDPCs.

When a client attempts to retrieve a paged resource
the server either redirects the client to a "first page" resource
or provides the representation of the "first page" resource
in its response, depending on the client's request preferences and the
server's capabilities. The response includes links to other page(s) in the
sequence, as do subsequent pages. Paging-aware clients
know how to combine pages of an LDP-RS, and possibly (via other
specifications) other LDPRs. LDP Paging defines a mechanism by which
clients can learn that the paged resource
has been changed so that they can, for example, abandon a page traversal as
early as possible. A detailed example of paging is provided in section
4. Example
paging message exchanges

When a paged resource
<> is
also an LDPC, some additional efficiencies become possible in cases where
the server predictably assigns members to pages and is able to communicate
its assignment algorithm to clients. The section 7. Linked Data Platform
Containers <>
defines a facility to communicate the sort order of member-to-page
assignments, to handle that common implementation algorithm.

For context and background, it could be useful to read Linked Data Platform
Use Case and Requirements

Received on Tuesday, 30 June 2015 17:22:05 UTC