Re: Domains, Subdomains, Etc.

On 2015-01-05 04:41, Timothy Holborn wrote:
> Further research [2][3] appears to show the structure of using wildcard certs not currently supported?

Sub-domains costs nothing and TLS certs for sub-domains can be fully automated
with letsencrypt/ACME so if you are hosted on a reasonable provider everything
you need to get going should be available in the end of this year.


> The RWW (and LDP?) use-cases might be worth bringing up with the group managing the project i'd imagine?
> I've posted a question - I think to the right area [4].  If you've got any improvements to make, please do so. ;)
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> On 5 January 2015 at 02:21, Timothy Holborn < <>> wrote:
>     Interesting. I found more info [1]
>     Does it support WebID-TLS?
>     [1]
>     On 4 January 2015 at 22:01, cdr < <>> wrote:
>         > a financial issue, being the cost of a
>         > domain and wildcard SSL certificate.
>         Let's Encrypt is attempting to address this
>         seth@EFF giving a talk on how it works:

Received on Monday, 5 January 2015 08:15:02 UTC