- From: Melvin Carvalho <melvincarvalho@gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2015 11:48:23 +0100
- To: public-rww <public-rww@w3.org>
Received on Saturday, 12 December 2015 10:48:53 UTC
I've released a very early alpha version of a free and open source timeline app for the solid platform. Here's the concept and a screenshot: https://melvincarvalho.gitbooks.io/solid-ideas/content/timeline.html It should look familiar to those that use web based social networking. The app is 100% client side, so in essence this becomes the first social network 100% owned and extensible by its users. This turns the model of centralized social networks on its head with now a model that decentralized actors control the whole network, including content, revenue, features, storage and debugging. For those feeling intrepid, I have a public instance at : https://solid.social/ If you dont have a solid account there is a link to get one. I highly recommend databox. It is also possible to self host your own account, but this requires more time and technical expertize to fix bugs. Enjoy!
Received on Saturday, 12 December 2015 10:48:53 UTC