- From: Tim Holborn <timothy.holborn@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:09:52 +1000
- To: Brent Shambaugh <brent.shambaugh@gmail.com>
- Cc: public-rww <public-rww@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <38823164-F247-4B0F-91B9-8F03893C2F5D@gmail.com>
Brent, Some personal reflections - i hope you find some merit in (or between) the words. Checkout GOLD[1] or RWW.io (LDPHP). The underlying requirement (IMHO) is a personal data platform - or as may otherwise be described, A market based knowledge-banking industry (which is kinda like hosting with new cpanel’s designed for users). This is not a new idea, yet to make it work - it is seemingly far more difficult, than the journey of inventing the web in the first-place. People often think they know what the web is, yet they’re thinking Facebook (rather than myspace, nowadays) or similar. This is not to suggest in anyway, that these major internet players are not significant contributors. As an example, i’ve become involved in the Australian Community TV sector recently, which needs to leverage IPTV capabilities. Describing how advertising might work - i can point them at the Facebook Advertising System, and they (think) they get it. In reality, it’s people such as the recipients of this list - that actually know how to build things that’ll work… (ps: would love some help if anyone out there is kinda interested in the field) A very complex arena, where we’ve got a role in aiding so many people in obtaining meaningful employment, income, recognition, human rights - through means so few really understand or can wrap their heads around in a useful & contributory fashion. These works change everything, even the structure of the W3C itself as it explores ways to engage individuals - some way down the path from the age of needing to get web-browsers using the same sorta documents... Checkout the TimBL’s DesignIssues [2]. A few years ago (noting extensive learning processes with specific regard to W3C related language, prior-art, etc.) i wrote a bunch of info around a concept entitled the ‘Liberal Arts Association’, where i’ve written about the concepts rolling around in my head a bit, in a discussion paper[3] then later other documents such as this one [4]. these documents were produced some 12 years after i started working / thinking about this idea of an ‘intellectual property bank’[5], and at that stage the idea of participating at this level - well… it’s been a journey, i hope i earn my opportunities - and the valued relationships i’ve established, and continue to - as i continue, passionately, to contribute ;) The concepts examined in that document are continuing forward. The organisational approach i’m developing is entitled “WebCivics”[6][7]. The act of producing a decentralised economy means the behaviours relating to the production of that outcome - should mirror or at least explore the behaviours relating to the use of the tools we product, collaboratively, cooperatively, etc. Melvin’s skill set and focus on ‘acknowledgement systems’ (block chain tech, web credits, bit mark) are incredible feats of web-science. Andrei (and team’s) work on LD-PHP [8] & GOLD, oshani & team on HTTPA [9], DanBri with Schema.org, Mo @ BBC, Manu, you etc. on Payments and Credentials, Henry Story - the philosophical debating guru and via my lens - an introductor of many concepts including that of ‘cooperative systems’. Kingsley - being Kingsley - i’m sure we’ll all be talking ‘smart-ups’ in the future, so much better than start-ups or upstarts; the vision and leadership of the likes of TimBL, WebFoundation, WebWeWant; W3C Leads for building the Webizen Considerations, and the rest - well, i hope people don’t mind too much if i’m not listing the accumulatively empowered ‘crew’ of contributors, and their various medium for doing so, as a means to reflect upon the challenges and difficulties involved in building a web, that may stabilise offerings for a global knowledge economy, inclusive of the tools and resources required to build and service such an offering, for the betterment of the lives of people using these technologies, so many are contributing towards in their own way. If we’re building an environment where every participant must be a computer scientist (software developer / programmer) - then we’re probably not focusing sufficiently on delivering a workable solution. I think one of the most inspiring talks / maps conveying this type of concept, was the Network Theory Seminar with Tim Berners-Lee [10], discussing (via MAP [11]) the concept of ‘web science’. I know personally - your a valued contributor. So, in my opinion the best thing i can suggest - is keep it up :) Sometimes it’s not about the answer, it’s about the journey. In my life, if your going to contribute towards something that’s meaningful to you? It should be a challenging adventure. Cheers, Tim.H. [1] https://github.com/linkeddata [2] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/ [3] https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_-AWWDVv3V2ZjFPdEYwc2thZDA/view?usp=sharing [4] https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_-AWWDVv3V2V3ZnbzFvcXlvb2c/view?usp=sharing [5] http://sailingdigital.com/iBank.html [6] https://twitter.com/WebCivics [7] http://www.webcivics.net/ [8] http://myprofile-project.org/thesis/manuscript_en.pdf [9] http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2010/Papers/IAB-privacy/httpa.pdf [10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_2YWiaPJ6A [11] http://www.w3.org/2007/09/map/main.jpg On 30 Sep 2014, at 1:37 pm, Brent Shambaugh <brent.shambaugh@gmail.com> wrote: > Dear RWW, > > I seem to be going through some sort of crises. I am shocked that after all of this time, I forgot what tool to use to do a sparql query. I found cwm [1] a bit overwhelming and finally decided that I'd try Fuseki [2]. > > I have been trying to figure out how to implement a distributed economy, and feel that I have spent more time trying to do research to describe the vision than actual implementation. > > I started out exploring federated social networks such as Diaspora and Friendica that are distributed, federated, and privacy aware [3]. Then I expanded my vision into a distributed economy presentation, which included interconnected elements for: distributed manufacturing, distributed funding, distributed social networking, distributed file sharing, privacy, licensure, and authentication, the semantic web, engineering packages, and grid computing [4]. > > Soon after I decided to start a blog [5], where I expanded upon what I wrote in my presentation. I then researched a broad swath of literature, but found my brain bursting. Thus, I decided to write what looks like a thesis [6]. > > This was still not that clear, so I decided to take a hack at wire framing based on my research [7], which is briefly summarized here in terms of the wire frame starting from the top [8]. > > I'm delighted that Melvin is so excited about Bitmark. This could help immensely with the Value Network / * section. > > I have to wonder though. If I have been forgetting how to do sparql queries, am I much of a programmer? Are my strengths elsewhere? Is this at least useful? > > > [1] http://infomesh.net/2001/cwm/ > [2] http://jena.apache.org/documentation/serving_data/ > [3] http://wiki.ohmspace.org/images/8/8b/The_Evolving_Social_Web.pdf > [4] http://wiki.ohmspace.org/images/7/7b/April-2012-5mof-BrentShambaugh.pdf > [5] http://adistributedeconomy.blogspot.com/2012/03/overview.html > [6] http://bshambaugh.org/Master_17.html > [7] http://bshambaugh.org/eispp3.pdf > [8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2014Sep/0070.html > > > -Brent Shambaugh > > Website: bshambaugh.org
Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 05:16:16 UTC