Re: Internet Identity Workshop #18

On 2014-05-12 03:54, Brent Shambaugh wrote:
> Hello RWW and Web Payments CG,
> I just spent last week at IIW #18 and some thought that it would be great if there was some more W3C involvement.

I think there is a general misconceoption about how successful standards are created and also the
importance of standards.  Windows is not a standard but still have some 90% of the desktop market.

> There was a demo of <> and some tackling of FOAF+SSL and WebID. '
 > Some shared the views about certs and the browser experience. Maybe this was just me and another or so.

I thought the situation is that the WebID folks still toil with the idea that the browser vendor
need to fix the TLS UI while Web Payments have given up on WebID-TLS and replaced it with

And then there is yours truly who believe that the WebID-TLS thing should be redesigned so that it
follows proprietary X.509 schemes have already have FOUR MAGNITUDES more users than WebID-TLS, but
of course using an open (eventually standardized) solution.

> In any case, here is a link.
> -Brent Shambaugh
> Website: <>

Received on Monday, 12 May 2014 06:16:05 UTC