Re: uploading to / from nodejs

i got a trifecta of Error 400s on each app i tried to write to a account from last week - LD-cal, kima, and cimba. just as another data-point. 

no idea what i'm doing, especially <> i guess the object of this triple should be a directory/ and not a file.ttl, and what happens if it expected that path to not be a dirname but a virtual extension-free prefix of a filename (in Stample's case, apparently a symlink) but a dir was there - POSIX fun all over again ?

also, the links Melvin posted (on returned 500 or maybe 403 until i presented a valid webID cert - i guess "having a valid WebID" may be a requisite to reading them, but since theyre docs that would hopefully suck in new users, or crawlers, maybe that shouldn't be the case. 

also the server my FOAF file's on is going to throw a cert-error until i find a domain-name i like and buy a certficiate..

Received on Friday, 28 March 2014 08:08:55 UTC