Re: WAC LDP And the Accept header

Why is it called the Linked Data Platform?

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 7:12 AM, Henry Story <>wrote:

> On 15 Jan 2014, at 19:45, Henry Story <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have updated the WAC wiki page wiht an LDP sepecific section.
> One part of it looks at how HTTP verbs tie up with WAC. I did
> not yet look at the Control section. But one thing that one does
> wonder a bit is if these words should not align more closely with the
> HTTP verbs, or how they should tie together.
> Here is the relevant section of the wiki page with the table:
> WAC relation to HTTP Verbs
> In LDP an OPTIONS request MUST return a Allow header stating what HTTP
> methods can be used on a resource. Those headers can be returned ( whether
> they MUST be is an open question [1]<>
>  )
> Here is an initial mapping between the HTTP verbs used by LDP and the wac
>  ontology.
> HTTP VERBSwac:Readwac:Writewac:Executewac:AppendGET√x ?xPUTx√ ?xPOSTx√ ?
> √ ?DELETEx√ ?xPATCHx√ ?√ with INSERT only
> It would be nice if the Allow header could give mostly the right hints to
> the client about what he is allowed to do without needing to parse the acl
> links, as parsing the ACL link and following the redirects could require
> quite a number of hops (and may not be available to the client). This still
> would leave a non-authenticated user with the task of having to follow
> those links, if he wants to discover what rights authentication would bring.
> Looking at the above table it is clear that wac:Read maps nicely to GET and
> that wac:Write maps nicely to all the others methods, except READ.
> But this still leaves the following two problems:
>    - does wac:Append apply to POST, ie is POST an append operation? (It
>    feels like it.)
>    - a client that knows it has PATCH access might not yet know if can
>    only use INSERT, ie, only update or if it can also DELETE triples from
>    a graph.
> Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2014 19:16:49 UTC