Re: Web Identity 1.0 -- Draft Spec

On 1/9/14 1:17 AM, Henry Story wrote:
> The Persona distinction you want to draw can be made by distinguishing 
> between sense and
> reference. If a same person has 3 WebIDs, for sake of example let us say:
>    - http://tim.example/#me
>    -
>    -
>  with accompanying WebID profiles, then as shown by the picture
>  in the overview section of the spec:
> each of these URIs _refers_ to the same person ( as per hypothesis 
>  Tim Berners Lee),
> yet each  of them will have 3 different senses. The sense arrow will 
> point to three different points in
> three different NamedGraphs.
> ( Note: I have updated the graph so that the sense  arrow now points 
> to the #i of Tim
>  in the W3C graph. So it is a Point-In-a-Named-Graph ( if people have 
> better ideas
> for how to call this please let me know )).
> The sense of each of the WebIDs is different. That is why the WebIDs 
> can be used as
> three different personas for the same person. The distinct Persona's 
> won't be very useful
> as distinct persona's if of course each of the three documents asserts the
> owl:sameAs relation between them, as reasoning engines will then find 
> information about each
> of them quite easily (assuming there are no access control retrictions 
> on each of the documents,
> in which case reasoning engines might put that relation into doubt ).
> The advantage of this sense notion of Personas is that a person could 
> later also owl:sameAs personas
> together to make a "coming out" statement one day.
> Henry

I've made a variety of posts that demonstrate personas in this context:

[1] -- Tweet about 
G+ persona with identity card stored on Dropbox

-- actual identity card for G+ persona stored on Dropbox

[3] -- ODS-Briefcased mounted Dropbox folder 
(since these Web 2.0 services don't offer folder listing feature) 
showing a variety of documents (content is a variety of RDF formats) 
associated with identity claims

[4] -- verification of identity claims from G+ 
identity card using WebID + TLS protocol .



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 14:16:00 UTC