Re: another app for

On 26 September 2013 17:14, Fabio Barone <> wrote:

> I have an idea for an app.
> Would love to get some feedback.
> Here's the thing: I always end up having loads of open tabs in my browser.

Ditto! :)

> I know there are lots of extensions/bookmarklets/sites (I use diigo) to
> let you track your links. There is a somewhat useful function "Read later".
> What's the problem?
> - The usual 'I am not hosting my data' issue
> - A company having all details of whatever I visit and like on the Internet
> - No effectiveness
> The latter is crucial to the idea. I'd like to turn the browser in some
> kind of rudimentary but effective link management / task management thing:
> - tag links
> - descriptions
> - tag and/or media category ("article", "cultural", "geo", "context",
> "video","picture", etc.)
> - and most useful for me: assign an action  ("store"(default), "work",
> "read", "investigate","evaluate","invite","forward") and an optional
> urgency ("urgent", "important", "follow-up")
> I guess this could be also unhosted, but not sure if could be
> particularly useful here.

Sure you can just save your pages to a RWW resource of your choosing.

> As a side-note, I already have a 0.1 version as a chrome(ium) bookmarklet
> (and a ruby-on-rails server), wondering what could be a more universal
> approach.

What approach do you use to write data, I'm guessing something like HTTP
POST + CORS from a bookmarklet?

I actually use a hotkey to close tabs normally (in opera).  I wonder if
another hotkey could operate as a close+save to storage feature.

> I have quite lots of other work right now, so I hope to be able to start
> anytime soon.
> Any suggestion highly welcome

Received on Saturday, 28 September 2013 18:47:25 UTC