I was chatting with Andrei about the idea of creating a spec for RWW
We're brainstorming at this point whether it should be a spec / primer doc
/ best practices doc.
The idea is to put together the ideas we've been talking about over the
last 5 years in one coherent document.
The Sections I had in mind were:
*1. Introduction
Introduction of the RWW what we're trying to achieve etc.
*2. Identity
Explaining Axiom 0 of the web and how using URIs as identity creates a
global name space. Point to specs that cover identity such as WebID,
explain how servers and clients can determine identity.
*3. Discovery
Explain the principles of "follow your nose" and techniques to do this.
Explain how linked data provides a framework for the web vision of where
"everything can be connected to everything". Talk about forward and
reverse search for discovery. Explain how link headers can be leveraged to
find information. Talk about the .well-known pattern and how it is used.
*4. Authentication
Explain the motivation for a clean modular separation of identity and
authentication. Point to specs that can provide authentication
*5. Authorization
Explain how authorization can happen to allow privacy, shared access, or
public access to resources and containers.
*6. Reading and Writing
Explain how to both read and write using web standards, in particular the
HTTP verbs of PUT POST PATCH DELETE. Point to specs that allow reading and
writing such as LDP, SPARQL Update.
If anyone is interested in helping brainstorm this we can start a wiki page
to put together ideas ...