Building A Paid App For Firefox OS

At first glance the Firefox Marketplace for Firefox OS may look similar to
the Apple Store or Google Play Store but there is a key difference: it does
not lock you into Mozilla or lock you into your Firefox OS phone. It
enables you to sell a web app that will run on any open web device by way
of the receipt protocol. Non-Mozilla marketplaces can participate in
selling apps on Firefox OS out of the box by implementing the receipt
format and users won’t notice anything different when running a paid app
from either store.

When other devices support the receipt protocol then theoretically you
could pay for an app once and run it everywhere. There is, of course, a
chicken vs. egg problem here so Mozilla hopes to be the egg that helps
prove out the decentralized receipt concept and iterate on the protocol.
Mozilla invites other vendors to help us work on getting receipts right so
that paid apps are as portable and “webby” as possible.

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I wonder if the firefox marketplace could be a good way to bootstrap the
web app eco system ...

Received on Wednesday, 27 February 2013 16:52:40 UTC