Re: Bootstrapping the Web with Email

On 5/31/12 5:45 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> Below is an example of a notification I get when a new message comes 
> in to my WebID at MyProfile
> My email (foaf mbox) is already public in my FOAF so I'm happy to get 
> mails there (gmail handles this very well).
> Some comments:
> - Love the text think it's very close to the current popular social 
> networking paradigms
> - Completes the loop between Web and Email?
> - Didnt go to my spam filter as often happens
> - It's possible that apps can also use this method for notifications 
> (perhaps this will need a little more thought)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *MyProfile Notification System* < 
> <>>
> Date: 31 May 2012 10:45
> Subject: You have a new message on MyProfile!
> To: Melvin Carvalho < 
> <>>
> Hello Melvin Carvalho,
> You have just received a new message from Andrei Vlad Sambra! Click 
> here <> to see it.
> You are receiving this email because you enabled Semantic Pingback 
> notification (with email as notification mechanism) for your Personal 
> Profile on If you would like to stop receiving 
> email notifications, please check your subscription settings 
> <>.
> You do not need to respond to this automated email.

Remember, we do have S/MIME, so emails should be signed using 
certificates that bear WebID watermarks. As I do :-)



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 11:08:39 UTC