Re: Introduction and MyProfile question

On 23 May 2012 13:40, wyb mail <> wrote:

>  Thanks for your reply. I meant the Wiki-page, yes. I like it, it already
> gives a nice overview. ****
> Concerning some kind of standard navigation, maybe it is nice to co-create
> something; As a new comer I saw some navigation issues in a few sites of
> Community Groups I have participated in. A first proposal for a standard landing
> page layout  (I also send something like this to federative social web
> group):
>   What****
> - Introduction (context)****
> Value****
> - Improvement to make (ideals)****
> How****
> - Approach, plan, timeline (nice example: *
> but then with clickable ****
>   items maybe); also how to navigate on the site****
> Now****
> - Participate > Action, requests for expertise, participants****
> Done****
> - Products so far and status (also ****
>   minutes)****
> More****
> - Wiki (research, (links to) reports, ****
>   sources)****
Thanks for these pointers, I've been giving some thought about some text
for these concepts and how they can be presented.

I do agree we need to broaden the scope of explanations over time, and make
participation more fluid, for both experts and enthusiasts.

> Thanks in advance,
> kind regards, Wyb
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 12:23:39 +0200
> Subject: Re: Introduction and MyProfile question
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> On 18 May 2012 17:17, wyb mail <> wrote:
>  Hello all,
> I have just joined the group and some other groups of W3C
> As a supporter of open standards and as an Informatics student, combining
> among others social sciences and ICT,
> I am very curious about what you are doing and how you are working.
> I hope I can contribute something to the group though I am not really an
> engineer
> Hi & Welcome!
> First thing I noticed looking at the different sites of the different
> groups:
> How things are organized is not always clear.
> Community groups are a restively new part of the W3C, only being started
> in the last year.  Feedback on how we can organize things better is always
> welcome.
> It is not easy as a new comer to jump in right away
> Appreciated.  Over time, I'd like to help work on how we can improve
> things, make it more attractive, easier for new comers.
> Your group has already a nice starting page, the main page
> Did you mean the home page or the start page of the wiki?  I recently
> redid the wiki front page to a new template.
> that gives some overview and a handful of important links,
> but should't it be something that is standardized so that it becomes
> easier to participate quickly?
> so that it is clear right away what a group is doing at the moment, what
> the plans are and what it is in need for?
> Definitely.  Community groups are less than a year old at the W3C, and I
> think there are almost 100 now.  Feedback on how we can make this group and
> others more welcoming would be appreciated.  Most of the people here are
> volunteers, but personally I'm definitely keen to spend at least a few
> hours a week improving things. :)
> I looked also at the MyProfile pages:
> Is it the idea that all data about a person I could see on some pages (day
> of birth, address, etc.) is public?
> The basic idea is to use web standards (based on web architecture and HTTP
> URIs) to build profiles for people that can communicate with other
> networks, and log in to applications.
> I think long term some data will be public, some only you can see, and
> some only available to your friends (a bit like facebook).
> Maybe Andrei Sambra (who wrote my profile) can give some more detail...
> Kind regards, Wyb

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 17:59:52 UTC