Re: RWW Topics

Thanks for the feedback. I've collected all topics here [1]. Feel free
to add/change a description, links, the title if you have one that fits
better or add a new topic. Next we should link the information to our
profiles [2].



Am 18.06.2012 23:33, schrieb bergi:
> Hi,
> this group has wide scope, so I though it might be a good idea to
> collect the topics people are working on (concepts + implementations).
> This would allow us to create smaller, but more productive groups which
> can work together via Skype, IRC, Google Talk, etc.
> So here is my list of topics I'm working on/thinking about:
> - improve ACL (combine WAC + TAC + role based approach, variables)
> - request for access (like OAuth scopes for documents and triples)
> - improve Pingback (Authentication, CORS, Linked Data Basic Profile)
> - implementing the Linked Data Basic Profile (Collections, ...)
> - ontology to tell applications where to store data (aka bring your own
>   triplestore)
> Please share your topics.
> bergi

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2012 21:37:15 UTC