Re: Getting the Address Book to work with read-write-web servers

On 10/28/11 6:02 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> On 28 October 2011 23:46, Henry Story<>  wrote:
>> On 28 Oct 2011, at 23:40, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
>>> On 27 October 2011 14:44, Henry Story<>  wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>    As a way to get the read-write-web started we want to get the simplest and most basic linked and secure social web going.
>>>>   The University of Leipzig - who are organising the Linked Data 2 - have the cool address book in Android I mentioned in a previous post here [1], as well as one that works in html5. On the server side we have
>>>>   - Joe Presbrey's
>>>>   - Alex Bertails scala based read-write-web to which I have just added WebID support (see the webid branch )
>>>>   - others want to join?
>>>> So the idea is to make it possible for these servers allow the same address book to do some of the following tasks, without knowing what is on the server:
>>>>   1- of course GET foaf, in order to walk the social web
>>>>   2- create a new directory perhaps for a user
>>>>   3- PUT a WebID Profile there (i.e., some public foaf with a public key)
>>>>   4- Be able to update statements in that graph (say when wanting to add a new key)
>>>>   5- Create a non public foaf file
>>>>   6- add access control rules in the right place about that non public foaf file
>>>>   7- be able to notify someone when one is speaking about them - or when one wants to add a friend request
>>> [snip[
>>> This is a nice app, but doesnt foaf kind of provide an address book already?
>> foaf provides a data structure. It is not an application.
>>> One thing I'd like to see first is to give everyone a semantic inbox.
>>> That would be a place where we can leave each other messages about how
>>> to deliver the read write web step by step.  Eventually this could be
>>> gamified to make it more fun and viral ...
>> That can be done too. Perhaps that is what the is about. That's what the address
>> book is mean to be able to write to.
>> An address book that can do new pings to people seems like a fun and easy
>> thing to do, is cool because it works in the cell phone, and there are a few
>> of of our projects this could work together with.
> You're assuming that everyone has a semantically enabled address book.
> I think we first need a simple messaging system, then to build a mini
> social net.
> Then apps like an address book, imho.
> You can, of course, try it the other way round, but then you have to
> persuade enough others to use the same system, which can sometimes be
> as tricky as coding the app itself! :)
>>>>         Henry
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> Social Web Architect
>> Social Web Architect

Everyone needs to have a WebID. Thus, we've got to make this happen via 
viral patterns. Naturally, there isn't a single golden pattern per se., 
but there is a golden segue focal point and I believe it boils down to 
bridging Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 .

We have to give people an overwhelming reason to get a WebID. Put 
differently, we have to make the opportunity cost of not having a WebID 
palpable :-)



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Received on Friday, 28 October 2011 23:20:53 UTC