Re: question about rules where the conclusions are rules wrote:
> how does one call rules written in the form of A => (B => (C => D))
> which is of course the same as (A & B & C) => D
> but I was just wondering wether there was a special name for the former 
> form..

It's called "nested" rules or "rules with nested expressions" in some 
communities. It needs to be asked what the semantics of such rules is - 
usually it's defined via so-called Lloyd-Topor transformations (what you 
state is one of them).

Best Regards,


Dr. Pascal Hitzler
Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe
email:    fax: +49 721 608 6580
web:   phone: +49 721 608 4751

Received on Sunday, 23 October 2005 12:16:06 UTC