Re: NAF and NEG [was: LP Semantics (non-monotonicity) in Usage Scenarios?]

Thanks for this listing of types of predicates.

I do have a question, however, on POSCLOSED.  You state that such
predicates are "for use only in the current module," but then
immediately need to use such a predicate outside the module.  You
handle this by creating a redundant predicate which is VISIBLE
along with rules for concluding the NEG of the predicate extent.

Why not create VISIBLE-OPEN and VISIBLE-CLOSED to handle such cases?
A vendor may wish to have a number of predicates describing properties
of its products.  It wants others to be able to use these predicates,
but not to alter any asserted properties.  Instead of making dopleganers
of each predicate with rules for populating them, it would seem far
simpler to declare the predicates visible, yet closed.

You raise such a possibility as possible.  There seems to me a strong
need for such predicates.

-- doug foxvog

Carlos Viegas Damásio wrote:

> My proposal attempts to reach a compromise between both sides, by letting
> knowledge-base programmers (producers) to use the forms of reasoning they
> like and 
> the users (consumers) to prevent the use forms of reasoning they dislike. A
> more complete discussion can be found in the draft publicly available at

> The mechanisms are the following:


> The knowledge is organized in knowledge-base (rulesets, modules, etc.) and
> predicates are classified according to the following categories:

> 1) OPEN: a predicate declared open is visible outside the knowledge base,
> and intends to capture global predicates
> which are being defined in the Semantic Web. In particular, it can be
> declared elsewhere and only strong negation can be applied to them.

> 2) VISIBLE: these predicates are visible outside the knowledge bases where
> have been declared, but cannot be declared by any other
> knowledge base in the Semantic Web.   As before, only strong negation can be
> applied to these predicates.

> 3) LOCAL: these are predicates are to be used only inside the knowledge
> base, but are restricted in that only strong negation can be used.

> 4) POSCLOSED and NEGCLOSED: these are predicates for use only in the current
> module but rules are completed. If POSCLOSED is used to declare 
> predicate $P$ then the rule 

> NEG P :- SNAF P.

> is implicitly asserted, and the dual one for NEGCLOSED, completing the
> knowledge. 

> The scope of SNAF is the current knowledge-base.

> Again, anywhere else in the knowledge base, only strong negation can be
> used. The closure rule may be inhibited by the consumer of the knowledge.

> 5) INTERNAL: predicate is internal to the knowledge base but now any form of
> negation/reasoning can be used inside the knowledge base, and its use
> can be forbidden by the consumer of the knowledge.

> The labels for each mode may be changed to better reflect their intent.
> There is also some degree of freedom in the above, that I will not discuss
> now (e.g. closed predicates might be visible). 

> The user or application controlling a local context should be able to use
> any of the following modes:

> 1) ALLOW-ALL: In this mode, any form of reasoning is allowed, monotonic or
> not. 
> The only error that might occur is that a predicate declared visible in some
> module is declared elsewhere. In
> this case, the agent may pick one of the knowledge bases to use or abort.
> Inconsistencies and contradictions are detected, and the user
> appropriately warned. Consequences obtained by default reasoning might also
> be identified. This also applies to the subsequent modes.

> 2) ALLOW-CLOSED: In this mode, closed predicates might be used, but no
> predicate can be declared internal. If there is an
> internal predicate, the knowledge base cannot be used, and processing should
> abort.

> 3) FORCE-OPEN: In this mode, closure rules are inhibited and cannot be used
> in the inference engine by its deductive mechanisms.
> Obviously, internal predicates are forbidden.

> 4) REJECT-CLOSED: The final mode rejects both closed and internal predicates
> in knowledge bases.
> I suggest to use FORCE-OPEN as default mode, since it does not extract
> consequences by nonmotonic reasoning, and knowledge
> bases might be combined together monotonically (if the mode used is always
> Furthermore, all conclusions obtained from this mode are also obtained in
> However, some consequences obtained in any of the modes other than
> FORCE-OPEN might not be inferred in ALLOW-CLOSED. 

> So, any producer/consumer may blindly use knowledge bases in the Semantic
> Web under FORCE-OPEN mode. 
> Mode ALLOW-CLOSED can be used to extract more consequences, but which can be
> retracted later on
> when new knowledge is made available.

> RULEBASE xpto1
> OPEN country/1.
> VISIBLE memberEU/1.

>         memberEU(?C) :-  country(?C),          listedMemberEU(?C).
> NEG memberEU(?C)  :- country(?C), NEG listedMemberEU(?C).

> NEG memberEU(usa).
> NEG memberEU(canada).

> POSCLOSED listedMemberEU/1.

> listedMember(austria).
> listedMember(Belgium).
> …
> listedMember(UnitedKingdom).

> RULEBASE xpto2
> OPEN country/1.
> country(austria).
> …
> country(turkey).
> country(china).
> country(usa).

> Suppose now that we have a mechanism of putting these two rulebases together
> (the other issue in discussion…)
> In mode FORCE-OPEN, the following conclusions are obtained:

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- memberEU(austria).
> Yes

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- memberEU(usa).
> No

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- memberEU(turkey).
> No

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- NEG memberEU(austria).
> No

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- NEG memberEU(usa).
> Yes

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- NEG memberEU(turkey).
> No

> Now, in ALLOW-CLOSED mode we get the extra “nonmonotonic” conclusion NEG
> member(turkey): 

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- memberEU(austria).
> Yes
> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- memberEU(usa).
> No

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- memberEU(turkey).
> No

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- NEG memberEU(austria).
> No

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- NEG memberEU(usa).
> Yes

> [xpto1,xpto2] ?- NEG memberEU(turkey).
> Yes

> Afterwards, if turkey becomes a member state of the European Union, the NEG
> member(turkey) result will not be entailed (that’s life, knowledge changes…)

> Notice that you cannot perform NAF queries directly. The example also helps
> illustrating the differences between NAF and NEG, I believe.
> Any of the adopted semantics for LP with two forms of negation (Answer Set
> Semantics or Well-founded Semantics with Explicit Negation, paraconsistent
> or not)
> coincides in the above. It is also a property that for these semantics, the
> conclusions extracted in the FORCE-OPEN are contained in the ones obtained
> Sorry for the long message, but I think this might help the discussion.
> Best regards,
> Carlos Viegas Damásio

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Carlos Viegas Damásio (Prof. Auxiliar) | Tel: +351-21-294 8536 (ext.10758)
> Departamento de Informática            | Fax: +351-21-294 8541
> Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia da       |
> Universidade Nova de Lisboa            | 
> Qta. da Torre - 2829-516 Caparica      | e-mail:
> PORTUGAL                               |

douglas foxvog	 +353 (91) 495 150
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
National University of Ireland, Galway
Galway, Ireland

Received on Monday, 29 August 2005 14:45:57 UTC