Re: Comments on * DRAFT * Rules Working Group Charter $Revision: 1.60 $

> We're talking about one language which is a superset of many of the
> common languages, so it can be used as an interlingua.  You translate
> your ruleset into it, and if you can translate it back out into
> another vendor's language (because it has enough features), your rules
> will mean the same thing.   I'm surprised the mission statement
> isn't clear on this.

to me it is Sandro
at least what I did was for a number of test cases
1/ write rules and integrity constraints in first order notation N3
2/ encode that in an XML syntax like explained in
3/ translate that into
   o swi-prolog and bprolog
   o pttp, prover9 and eprover
   o cwm and euler after rountrip back to N3
and got the derivations that I expected to get
or the system was not capable to run the test case

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:14:48 UTC