CfP: Workshops and DC at BIS 2018 - 21st International Conference on Business Information Systems in Berlin


Workshop Paper Deadline May 27


     CfP for Doctoral Consortium




CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS and Doctoral Consortium


Workshops and Doctoral Consortium

21st International Conference on Business Information Systems

BIS 2018

Berlin, Germany


July 18-20, 2018


Deadline for submissions: May 27, 2018


(Proceedings in Springer's LNBIP series as post proceedings)





Digital Transformation - an imperative for today's business markets



Prof. Jacobsen, TU Munich - "Deconstructing Blockchains" 

Prof. Markl, TU Berlin -"Big Data Management and Flink"




                        Call for Papers


Workshops co-located with 21st International Conference on Business
Information Systems (BIS 2018)

                        Berlin, Germany

                        18-20 July 2018



List of workshops:

* AKTB 2018 - 10th Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies
in Business

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


The AKTB2018 workshop pursues to engage researchers and practitioners,
specialists and market analysts to share their research experiences and
domain knowledge in application of contemporary computational intelligence
methods for modelling and implementation of business information systems. We
invite papers which provide advanced services for the information systems
users, propose innovative solutions for Smart Business and process
modelling, especially targeting Big Data issues.


* BITA 2018 - 9th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


Enterprise modeling, enterprise architecture, and business process
management are three areas belonging to traditions where the mission is to
improve business practice and business and IT alignment (BITA). We encourage
to a broad understanding of possible approaches and solutions for BITA,
including EAM and IT governance subjects. Specific focus is on practices of
business and IT alignment, i.e. we have encouraged submission of case study
and experiences papers.


* BSCT 2018 - Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


The BSCT Workshop aims at investigating challenges and opportunities in the
field of blockchain technologies and its future developments. Additionally,
it will pay a special attention to issues related to blockchain
architectures and applications as well as innovative business models and
use-cases based on distributed ledger environments.


* IDEA 2018 - 4th International Workshop on Digital Enterprise Engineering
and Architecture

submission deadline: May 27th


The IDEA workshop integrates technological themes with business themes and
applies engineering principles to the design of Digital Enterprise
Architectures (EA). The workshop embraces concepts from Computer Science,
Business Information Systems, and Business Administration. It strives for
deriving the Digital Enterprise Architectures from the enterprise goals and
strategy and aligning it with the digital enterprise architectures,
including the use of decision automation, predictive or even prescriptive


* iDEATE 2018 - 3rd Workshop on Big Data and Business Analytics Ecosystems

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


The purpose of iDEATE workshop is to shed some light on how big data and
business analytics tools are reshaping contemporary companies. The focus is
on how companies should optimally deploy and exploit big data as part of
their competitive strategies, as well as how the analytic methods, tools,
and techniques are best utilized for supporting business operations. 


* QOD 2018 - 1st Workshop on Quality of Open Data

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


The goal of the QOD workshop is to bring together different communities
working on quality of information in Wikipedia, DBpedia, Wikidata and other
open knowledge bases. The workshop calls for sharing research experience and
knowledge related to quality assessment in open data.


* SciBOWater - Scientific Challenges & Business Opportunities in Water

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


The SciBOWater workshop focuses on the topics related to water managements.
Currently, the processes in water resources management are undergoing major
transformations resulting in new management approaches. These approaches
require processing of a huge amount of information with different levels of
accessibility and availability and in various formats (from digital to
hardcopy formats). The workshop will address relevant aspects of business
information systems puting accent on the conference theme "Digital
Transformation - an imperative for today's business markets".


* Doctoral Consortium

submission deadline: May 27, 2018


The Consortium provides doctoral students with the chance to present and
obtain comment on their research on information systems and related topics,
to hear about the work of their peers at other universities, and to interact
today's leading researchers from different universities and countries.






Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems

Poznan University of Economics and Business, Department of Information




Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems

Data Analytics Center

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31

10589 Berlin


Poznan University of Economics and Business

Dept. of Information Systems

Al. Niepodleglosci 10

61-875 Poznan, POLAND


Phone: +48(61)639-2797 Fax: +48(61)854-3633


Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 10:02:48 UTC