- From: Alejandro Llaves <allaves@fi.upm.es>
- Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 11:03:25 +0200
- To: "public-rsp@w3.org" <public-rsp@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CABTzy2RQoWLO7Ct7VtqfXWz900SnqWKZwyrhHLV7z7GMi5RzRg@mail.gmail.com>
Hi all, this may be of interest to some of you. [image: logo] Reactive Monitoring 1.0 Beta Hello there, We are excited to announce that Reactive Monitoring has progressed from Early Access to Beta <http://inform.typesafe.com/v0c20lph0lkXNzi2C02p000> and we invite you to participate. This beta will focus on Akka and stabilizing the Actor Metrics module. This requires an instrumented version of Reactive Platform, which is based on Akka 2.3, as well as Takipi for visualization. Beta users will focus on Akka monitoring, which includes configurable actor metrics, actor-specific events—such as unhandled messages and dead letters—and support for marking transaction traces across actors. Sign up for the beta <http://inform.typesafe.com/v0c20lph0lkXNzi2C02p000> and get started today. Additionally, we invite you to register for our webinar <http://inform.typesafe.com/V2Cj000lp20X200Nkcpzil0> on September 30 at 9:00am Pacific to learn more about the beta and and how you can participate. During this session you will learn: - Why Actor Metrics are the focus for the 1.0 beta - Which dependencies to be aware of when implementing Reactive Platform - Best practices for configuration so you can monitor what's important to you - How to visualize actor metrics in Takipi - How to provide feedback to our Monitoring development team If you have any questions, please let me know. Warm regards, Ygor Lutz Sales Director, Southern Europe & BeNeLux & Middle-East - Africa +41 21 691 4971 [image: curved bottom shadow] Typesafe, Inc. 625 Market Street, 10th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105 <http://inform.typesafe.com/dl0kz2jlpp0X200Cck020N0> <http://inform.typesafe.com/O0p0zcpX0200lNkk0l0l22C> <http://inform.typesafe.com/Ml0X0p02Npc2l00mk0zC0l2> <http://inform.typesafe.com/SC0X2l02k0c0lNz0200ppnm> -- Alejandro Llaves Ontology Engineering Group (OEG) Artificial Intelligence Department Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Avda. Montepríncipe s/n Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, Spain http://www.oeg-upm.net/index.php/phd/325-allaves allaves@fi.upm.es
Received on Monday, 28 September 2015 09:03:56 UTC