Re: RSP telco 26.06.2015


I would like to echo Emanuele’s concerns about the lack of papers in this area. The fact that we only accepts 1 paper on the streaming and mobile web track at ESWC was discussed at the steering committee meeting. When I looked over the papers back then they seemed to be close but not quite up to standard.

However congratulations to Alessandra, Avi, and their respective teams on getting their papers accepted.

I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to make the call today. I’m giving a seminar at the University of Edinburgh.

Best regards,


On 26 June 2015 at 07:54:05, Emanuele Della Valle (<>) wrote:



On 26 Jun 2015, at 08:51, Abraham Bernstein <<>> wrote:

Hi all

There is actually a second streaming-related paper in the empirical studies ans experiments track:

Lorenz Fischer, Roi Blanco, Peter Mika and Abraham Bernstein. Timely Semantics: A Study of a Stream-based Ranking System for Entity Relationships



I believe we are progressing and finding solutions that accomodate the different point of views. Please note that no paper about RSP or Stream Reasoning was accepted in the research track of ISWC 2015, this means that (the community suspects) we are not doing science any more. We will all gain by converging on common positions and deliver some v1.0 results. Just to give an example, Alessandra, who got her CityBench paper [1] accepted in the evolution track (congratulation!), must have found difficult to decide how to model data streams and how to pose queries.

There will be time for other versions and I trust that getting something frozen will allow to disagree and argue in a more consistent way ;-)

Please think about prioritising and finding consensus on some (not necessarily large) parts of the RSP models and syntaxes.

Best Regards,


PS I’m sorry, but even today I cannot participate to the phone call. I’m giving a two day tutorial on Stream Reasoning in Poznan [2] and, at the time of the RSP call, I will be in the middle of a class.

[1] Muhammad Intizar Ali, Feng Gao and Alessandra Mileo. CityBench: A Configurable Benchmark to Evaluate RSP Engines using Smart City Datasets

On 25 Jun 2015, at 23:47, Jean Paul Calbimonte <<>> wrote:

Dear all,

the call will be at 15:00 CEST. usual link:

As for the agenda, we have a set of actions to discuss and check progress on:

There have been lots of discussions related to these points, we can try to see if we can converge.

Apart from that, some have suggested meeting at ISWC in autumn. It would be an interesting idea (e.g. co-locating with a related workshop such as OrdRing), we can discuss it.

Best regards,

|  Professor Abraham Bernstein, PhD
|  University of Zürich, Department of Informatics
|  web:

Alasdair J G Gray
Lecturer, Heriot-Watt University


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Received on Friday, 26 June 2015 09:53:24 UTC