Can a RSP Engine merge RDF graphs? was Re: RSP Data Model

Dear  Tara and  dear all,
Sorry for coming a bit late into the discussion. I would like to stress 
on the RDF1.1 dataset examples while this is not really a topic for the 
RSP WG but it may influence its development.

Would be a RSP engine allowed to merge graphs?

Merging will still allow reasoning about graphs (as introduced by 
) but will also give more reasoning power to any RSP engine.

Merging does not disallow a stream engine to use only graph based 
entailment nor to reason about graphs.

Of course, timestamped graphs cannot be merged exactly like not 
timestamped ones e.g., to merge

  (ex:g1 time:at "2015-05-30T09:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime")

  (ex:g2 time:before "2015-06-01T07:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime")

would require some effort, possibly a time interval logic (such as Allen 
Interval algebra )

Sincerely yours,
Adrian Giurca

On 6/14/2015 12:58 PM, Tara Athan wrote:
> Dear Abraham, and all -
> Please excuse me if this point has already been discussed in the 
> group, as I am late joining the discussion.
> It seems to me that there is an existing basis on which to build such 
> a data model - the RDF 1.1 dataset. The semantics for a set of 
> time-stamped graphs (g_i, p_i, t_i) that seems most appropriate to me 
> is the one defined here:
> and the name of each graph would be an implicit blank node that is 
> also the subject of a triple in the default graph. This triple has 
> predicate p_i and object t_i .
> Tara
> On 6/14/15 3:59 AM, Abraham Bernstein wrote:
>> Dear Emanuele, dear all
>> I wonder whether we are mixing two issues here. One is the data model 
>> of time-annotated graphs. The other is a system model that, as you 
>> indicate, is much easier to deine if you can make some assumptions 
>> about how the triples (or graph fragments) arrive (in order, 
>> monotonically increasing, etc.).
>> I would propose to disentangle the two. In other words, I would 
>> propose a well-founded time-based data model combined with a set of 
>> assertions that we expect to hold on streams.
>> Best
>> Avi
>>> On 12.06.2015, at 18:16, Emanuele Della Valle 
>>> < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Dear Alasdair,
>>> a problem I run into went I implemented the timestamped model in 
>>> real use cases is that you need to wait for all contemporaneous 
>>> triples with the same timestamp, before processing them. They arrive 
>>> to the RSP engine one after each other, so the arrival time is 
>>> always increasing, but they all carry the some timestamp. If you 
>>> assume that timestamp are not decreasing, an RSP engine knows it can 
>>> start the processing as soon as a triple with a larger timestamp 
>>> arrives, but what if the stream stay silent? How does the RSP engine 
>>> distinguish the case of a delayed triple (still contemporaneous to 
>>> those it has already got) from the case it is waiting because 
>>> nothing is transmitted on the stream? In the C-SPARQL engine we 
>>> decided to give up with the possibility to treat the application 
>>> time and we only relay on the receiving time. This is also what 
>>> STREAM does. It is know as the best effort approach. Esper can work 
>>> in best effort mode, but you can also send an event to say the time 
>>> is past. This is call external time control. This time keeping event 
>>> is a form of punctuation. It means, I told you all I have to say at 
>>> this point in time.
>>> If graphs are timestamped with a strictly increasing timestamp, then 
>>> as soon as the RSP engine gets the entire graph, it can process it. 
>>> In other words, the boundary of the graph is a form of punctuation. 
>>> If another graph with the same timestamp can follow, than you’re 
>>> back into the problem you cannot distinguish if you are waiting for 
>>> a delayed graph with the same timestamp from the case the stream is 
>>> silent.
>>> I hope I expressed myself in a clearer way this time.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Emanuele
>>> PS I’m in favour of multiple time annotations and I agree that 
>>> interval-based semantics matters.
>>>> On 12 Jun 2015, at 18:31, Gray, Alasdair J G < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Emanuele,
>>>> I don’t quite follow the punctuation argument meaning that we can 
>>>> only have one graph at any given time point.
>>>> (Unfortunately I’m on the train home and cannot access the article 
>>>> that you linked.)
>>>> We still have the gain over the traditional streaming RDF model in 
>>>> that all triples conforming to a given observation will be 
>>>> contained in the graph. So why does having more than one graph at a 
>>>> given time point cause a problem?
>>>> (Sorry if I am missing something obvious)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Alasdair
>>>> On 12 June 2015 at 08:49:40, Emanuele Della Valle 
>>>> ( 
>>>> <>) wrote:
>>>>> Dear Alasdair, and all
>>>>> thanks for the report. I would like to point out that the sentence 
>>>>> “There can be multiple graphs with the same timestamp” is, in my 
>>>>> opinion, a bad choice. It will prevent graphs to be interpreted as 
>>>>> a form of punctuation [1] and this was one of the most important 
>>>>> gain of the version of RSP Data Model discussed in Berlin (i.e., 
>>>>> graphs with strictly increasing timestamps). The lack of 
>>>>> punctuation is a problem of the “traditional" timestamped triples 
>>>>> data model where contemporary triples must be admitted.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Emanuele
>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> On 11 Jun 2015, at 18:37, Gray, Alasdair J G < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> During the ESWC RSP Workshop we had a breakout group focus on 
>>>>>> defining the RSP data model. I was charged with the action of 
>>>>>> updating the semantics document with the agreed model.
>>>>>> You can find the updated data model at
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Alasdair
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Alasdair J G Gray
>>>>>> Lecturer, Heriot-Watt University
>>>>>> Web: 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> ORCID:
>>>>>> Twitter: @gray_alasdair
>>>>>> Telephone: +44 131 451 3429
>>>>>> Office: EM 1.39
>>>>>> We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers 
>>>>>> to join us in leading and driving research in key 
>>>>>> inter-disciplinary themes. Please 
>>>>>> <>for further information and 
>>>>>> how to apply.
>>>>>> Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under 
>>>>>> charity number SC000278.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Alasdair J G Gray
>>>> Lecturer, Heriot-Watt University
>>>> Web: <>
>>>> ORCID:
>>>> Twitter: @gray_alasdair
>>>> Telephone: +44 131 451 3429
>>>> Office: EM 1.39
>>>> We invite research leaders and ambitious early career researchers 
>>>> to join us in leading and driving research in key 
>>>> inter-disciplinary themes. Please 
>>>> <>for further information and 
>>>> how to apply.
>>>> Heriot-Watt University is a Scottish charity registered under 
>>>> charity number SC000278.
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> |  Professor Abraham Bernstein, PhD
>> |  University of Zürich, Department of Informatics
>> |  web:

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Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 13:38:50 UTC