Re: AW: My slides at RSP workshop, ESWC 2015

Hi Daniele,

On 9 June 2015 at 11:35:43, Daniele Dell'Aglio (<>) wrote:

Thanks Peter for the summary.

I have a question related to this point:
We introduce "bounded substreams" (= extract of a window with upper bound, lower bound). We did not call it "window (data)" to not confuse it with the "window (operator)"

Why didn't you use the CQL names, so:
-  "window" for "bounded substreams" | "window (data)"

A window is synonymous with relation where as the result of a window over a timestamped graph is not a relation. However it is a sequence of timestamped graphs so maybe it is not so bad now, particularly if we have the snapshot definition that merges all the tuples together.

- "sliding window" for the "window (operator)"?

Sliding window is just one form of window operator. It is good to have a distinction between the operators and the base data types.


I think we should relabel concepts and notions already defined... at least to do not create misunderstadings if ppl with dsms/cep background look at our work.


On 06/09/2015 09:49 AM, Wetz Peter wrote:
Thanks Alejandro for providing your slides.

I now also created a wikipage for the meeting at ESWC. Especially I tried to sum up what we did in the breakout groups [1].

By the way, it would be good, if presenters from the EoIs could send me their slides (preferably PDF) in order to add them to the workshop page [2]. That would be nice for people who have not been there to catch up. Just send them to me directly. Thanks!




Von: Alejandro Llaves []
Gesendet: Montag, 01. Juni 2015 10:26
Betreff: My slides at RSP workshop, ESWC 2015

Hi all,

find attached my presentation at yesterday's workshop.

Best regards,

Alejandro Llaves

Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)

Artificial Intelligence Department

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Avda. Montepríncipe s/n

Boadilla del Monte, 28660 Madrid, Spain<>

Alasdair J G Gray
Lecturer, Heriot-Watt University


Twitter: @gray_alasdair
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Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 11:32:25 UTC