Time intervals through predicate

If we truly allow any predicate to be used for "p" in the time-stamped 
graph (g, p, t), then we can emulate an interval time stamp through p. 
For example, p could come equipped with a duration, with the meaning 
that the graph holds during the interval starting at t, with this 
duration. The duration could be specified with a query string parameter, 
providing a family of predicates, each one corresponding to a particular 

There could be different predicates for the case when t is the start 
time, end time or center of the interval. This allows choosing any one 
of these characteristics for the primary ordering, while variation in 
the duration could lead to a secondary ordering, if a total order of the 
stream is desired.

Does this seem reasonable?


Received on Friday, 12 June 2015 14:55:46 UTC