AW: RSP workshop at ESWC

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the f2f meeting in Slovenia - our ESWC workshop: is the plan to have a more or less closed workshop for the core members of W3C RSP only, or to have it very open to loosely affiliated members who couldn't contribute much so far (like myself), and even to the public (by which anybody interested could also be motivated to join W3C RSP)?

Thanks for clarifying,

Von: <> im Auftrag von Jean Paul Calbimonte <>
Gesendet: Montag, 12. J?nner 2015 19:06
Betreff: RSP workshop at ESWC

Dear all,

As we discussed last year, we submitted a workshop proposal to ESWC. As it was accepted, we are glad to tell you that the RSP F2F workshop will take place in Slovenia! (either on May 31 or Jun 1)

We thank you for your support and we hope to see as many of you as possible over there. We will shortly make the details available online on the RSP W3C site. FYI the workshop submissions will basically be one-page 'expressions of interest' at the least.

Cheers, and see you on firday.

best regards,

Alessandra, Alejandro, Alasdair & Jean-Paul

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2015 22:32:03 UTC