scope, requirements and concrete examples

In the telecon today, there was not enough participation for a quorum, 
but we had an interesting discussion nonetheless. I learned that there 
may be some implicit requirements that are not spelled out in the 
various documents, at least in a readily accessible form. For those of 
us joining the group that have not had the benefit of the historical 
discussions, it would be quite helpful to have an explicit statement of 
scope and requirements.

Here are some questions I have:
1. What information from the stream transmission (as a sequence) - which 
might include contents of the timestamp triple, timestamped graph, and 
order of transmission sequence - should be allowed to influence the 
substream selection by a window function?
   - As a particular example of such "extra" information, in the case of 
temporal entities with a partial order, would the order of transmission, 
which is not deterministically specified by the timestamps, be usable in 
the application of a count-based window function?

2. What information from the substream sequence thus selected may 
influence the query result?
   - As a particular example of such "extra" information, is the 
semantics of the timestamped graph such that it is assumed the graph 
name denotes the explicitly-transmitted graph? If so, I don't think this 
is compatible with, 
as currently stated in the Semantics document, but is instead a case of

Finally, I think it would be quite helpful if we had more concrete 
examples of RDF streams in the repository, using e.g. the JSON-LD 
serialization as defined in 
.  I have committed such an example at, 
for which I would like to ask the group whether the handling of the 
missing data in this example is within scope?


Received on Friday, 18 December 2015 15:33:36 UTC