[rsp] Streaming with TriG?

Hi, All!

TriG (http://www.w3.org/TR/trig/) reached W3C recommendation status in 
February. As it has the basic support for streaming named graphs, there 
have been some discussions in our team on whether we should take it into 
use. As I haven't seen any discussion on the list or in the RSP CG 
minutes on TriG, I was wondering whether there are already strong views 
for or against?

For those not familiar with TriG, it is " an extension of Turtle, 
extended to support representing a complete RDF Dataset". A couple of 
sample events could be represented in TriG like this:



@prefix : <http:example.org/default#> .

@prefix ep: 
<http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/eventprocessing.owl#> .

@prefix geo:  <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#> .

:ev1 { [] a ep:EventObject ;

              geo:Point [ geo:lat 60.158776 ; geo:long 24.881490 ; ] ;

"2014-01-07T09:18:21"^^xsd:dateTime . }

:ev2 { [] a ep:EventObject ;

             geo:Point [ geo:lat 60.187458 ; geo:long 24.821272 ; ] ;

"2014-01-07T09:42:00"^^xsd:dateTime . }

:ev3 { [] a ep:EventObject ;

             geo:Point [ geo:lat 60.187634 ; geo:long 24.821491 ; ] ;

"2014-01-07T10:18:21"^^xsd:dateTime . }


It is not terribly different from doing the same with SPARQL Update:

-----------SPARQL Update-------------


<http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/eventprocessing.owl#> .

PREFIX geo:  <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#> .


  GRAPH <http:example.org/default#ev1> {

           [] a ep:EventObject ;

              geo:Point [ geo:lat 60.158776 ; geo:long 24.881490 ; ] ;

"2014-01-07T09:18:21"^^xsd:dateTime . }

  GRAPH <http:example.org/default#ev2> {

          [] a ep:EventObject ;

             geo:Point [ geo:lat 60.187458 ; geo:long 24.821272 ; ] ;

"2014-01-07T09:42:00"^^xsd:dateTime . }

  GRAPH <http:example.org/default#ev3> {

          [] a ep:EventObject ;

             geo:Point [ geo:lat 60.187634 ; geo:long 24.821491 ; ] ;

"2014-01-07T10:18:21"^^xsd:dateTime . }

} # end-of INSERT DATA

* -------------------------------

The nice thing about TriG is that it would be easier to synchronize in 
the middle of a stream (no "INSERT DATA" needed).

Encapsulating streaming objects into graphs has the benefit, as pointed 
out earlier by Axel, that the end of the object is explicitly marked.

What do you think?


Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 13:11:42 UTC